Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


Why Republicans Won't Work For The Trump Administration

Yeah, they're finally waking up and smelling the coffee, bout time...duh!!!!!!
Whine like dogs.
8 years my ass!!!...This Fascist will be out in a few months hopefully.
8 years my ass!!!...This Fascist will be out in a few months hopefully..
8 lonnnngggg years you MisterAmber are going to have to endure President Trump, like we did with aszzwipe Obama.
12 lonnnnnnggggg years once we repeal the 22nd..
It's hard working for a novice and narcosis.
To coin an expression of one of the resident numbnut's, it's "sad" that people throw around "fascist" to describe this administration and those who voted for him.   A few things they ignore: Fascists want complete control of the economy, a large centralized government that controls every facet of society, something that no conservative I know desires. Obama's administration took over the health care industry in one unconstitutional swoop and tried to do the same thing with energy. Fascists want complete gun control. (do I need to explain why that doesn't describe the right?) Fascism has a single ruler/cult of personality...which certainly describes the last administration, not this one. Many conservatives such as myself do not" like" Trump*, but there was simply no choice in the general election. Fascists want large state sponsored work programs - remember the "Stimulus", when instead of having shovel-ready jobs, it all went into Obama's crony's pockets or those of his behind-the-scenes supporters?

*But, I'm warmin' up to him. Besides, what's the difference between vulgar locker room talk coming from DT and the obscenities in the violent and misogynist lyrics coming from the rappers Obama and his wife listened to on their iPods and feted at various WH functions? None, unless you're a massive hypocrite.

Those are just the basics and I could get into a more nuanced description of fascism, but since the basics seem to go way over the heads of functional illiterates like ambturd. Don't let anyone fool you; THEY are the Fascists and we need to eliminate them from society, treat them like the traitors and criminals they are.

Blah, blah, blah, what asinine words coming from the mind of a fool. Take a pill and go to bed MIKEY, you have to go to work in the morning. LOL
You should shut up, put down the crack pipe and listen now 'n then, Sambo - you might learn something.
Thanks Mike for breaking that down in clear and concise terms in such a manner that even the resident village idiots SHOULD be able to understand. Having no idea what the term 'Fascism' actually means, (least of all LilSleazey and Amberjack) the progtards feels so smug and superior labeling Donald Trump as a 'Fascist', when in fact the exact opposite is true! In the cesspool of the mental disorder called liberalism, things always get turned around or rendered topsy-turvy. Good is considered evil, and evil is considered good. Thus, it is hardly surprising that the cold hard FACTS you provided and thoughtfully explained are considered to be "asinine words coming from the mind of a fool" by the crack addled mental midget (LilSleazey) who takes personal pride in his unfettered ignorance as he contentedly pats himself on the back and thinks he has posted something witty in rebuttal to factual information that was provided for his benefit, LOL. Lilliputians (mental midgets) such as LilSleazey and Amberjack are not the slightest bit concerned with this strange abstract concept called FACTS. At some point during one of the televised big city anti-Trump riots, they either saw or heard some of the black clad, hooded and masked agitators, thugs and troglodytes holding a sign or yelling that Donald Trump was a 'Fascist'. That's all they needed to see/hear and just ran with it! As you well know, facts are irrelevant in their fantasy world. They just make it up as they go and repeat the dimwit party talking points. Now let LilSleazey come forward and post his usual profound comment about the "retired dumb racist cop from Albany", Lol
On a positive note, I must say that I am pleased that LilSleazey learned a new word today: 'ASININE' Congratulations are in order! And I'm not just being facetious, as it does indicate another small spark of lucid brain activity. But now for the true test of comprehension- go back and once again read Mike's post slowly and carefully. Then post back and let me know if his words are still asinine. If so, please explain. That's your assignment for today. That's all. Good luck!
lil'sleazy and amberjack are members of Morons United, they are lazy intellectually and willfully ignorant. They know they can't argue the facts so they attack personally and dismiss the truths that constitute the realities that are staring at their (guaranteed ugly) faces.
Standing defiantly arm in arm against truth and common sense with the United Morons of the National Bowel Movement !
Mikey, KKKAL, and JARASAN you all should sign up for Nincompoops Anonymous. All you people do is regurgitate Rush and Hannity's talking points. You don't possess the ability to formulate your own thoughts. You three belong together. Trailer park trash, a dirty cop, and a pervert. What a combination! SAD:<
Wow, that was a brilliant summation, Lilsleazey, LOL; I rest my case!
KKKAL, Rush and Hannity will be on soon. You will be able to get a cesspool of nonsense to spew as your own. SAD:<
LilSleazey, could you please give me advance notice if you ever decide to call Rush on Open Line Friday and try to make a coherent case as to why Trump should be impeached? Even better, call Michael Savage and see if he will let you talk. You might be able to talk some sense into Savage. I would be grateful for the opportunity to record it and post it on You Tube to replace the currently posted Dumbest Caller Ever, LOL
KKKAl, I'm too intelligent for people like Rush and Hannity. I don't waste my time trying to explain anything to a Right-Wing Extremist. They are closed-minded and repugnant like you.
Seriously KKKAL?
YELLS...Murica!!!,(spits chew in a cup)...Everything's BIG in Texas, except for my little weenie...

YES FOLKS!!!...These are the people who voted him in...YES FOLKS>>>DITTO!!!...(taps pencil on table)

This is what we've come down to....scary!!
amberjack get off the molly.

lil'dummy talk about a mind numb f'ing moron, look at your own stupid blog, every pos blog post cartoon and copy/paste article is from the same idiot laden libturd source. Your blinders are on full display, you have no diversity, variety, or creativity at all, which explains your inability to put together any factual or cohesive argument, so STFU.
LMAO, jaracrap, please NEVER EVER use the word FACTS. You believe in fairytales, so refrain from that word.

Rush Bimbo is on, hurry...You don't want to miss your source of info loser !
amberjack it is hard to face reality when you are high all the time, get off the molly.
And get some broadband with the savings!
LilSleazey, it's starting to get late. I need you to turn in your assignment no later than 5:00 pm today. Procrastination is the thief of time so get on it already!
Reality???/ aahhaha're the one living la la land with talking donkeys and snakes. Get a grip dude, it's 2017, not the bronze age. What a loser !....ha ....I guess superman is real too. ...You're the one that needs a reality check, open a science book and educate yourself, then come back in 20 years and talk about FACTS and REALITY you dumb ass !
amberjack just because you smoke the molly from a home made bong does not make you a scientist but you could maybe pick up some side work as a plumber get you some mo' money so you can upgrade your standard membership and then get some of that broadband.
I have high speed internet. WTF is up with that? Are you running out of material?
I'm thinkin' ambturd has a fixation on male genitalia and homosexuality. Either he isn't as tolerant as the progtards like to claim to be or he needs to just come out of the closet and get it over with. After all, it's 2017, right?

Small weiner? I guess so, but it's not just a coincidence that the day after I was circumcised, Barnum and Bailey got a new circus tent.

BTW, nobody I know chews tobacco these days. I might take it up if I ever met you, though....I'd be like Clint Eastwood and you'd be the dog.
Your weiner? No, I don't study Microbiology, thanks !

And now the circus has folded it's tents and gone home forever thanks to the Trump. Too big a competition for Barnum.
I guess you've heard of the "It's not the size, but how you use it." adage, right?   Works for intellect, too....although in your case, there's not much of that to work with.

No, the circus folding had nothing to do with Trump; it was mainly due to the deserved backlash from animal rights organizations and the public in general who didn't like seeing the abuses the poor animals were suffering.   Of course, being the mental midget you are, you have to make up crap to make a crappy joke.

Trump is the ringmaster of this particular circus and you and Sleezy, et. al. are the dancing poodles standing on your hind legs and yipping, yet cowering when you get sight of the whip.

Now, run along and go call your mom; say "Arf!" to her and send her a nice care package of kibble. Don't forget the flea collar...and pick one up for yourself while you're at know, what with the company you keep/"lie down with".

Yes, I did insinuate you were a S.O.B. Now, where's my chewing tobacco so I can spit in your eye while I'm at it....
No, Trumpy is the head Clown and you're his sucker!!...Sucker!
Like I've said, you seem to have an unusual preoccupation with gays...and now "sucking". C'mon, ambturd...come on out of the closet, we won't make fun of least not for that. There's plenty more about you that's fun to point to and laugh over.

-SPIT- Bullseye!
Sooo, you spit huh? You don't swallow... you nasty !...Your boyfriend may want to know this.
Mikey, why did JARASAN refer to you as "BOYFRIEND"? I noticed you offered no comment. I don't think JARASAN was joking. Tee-hee....
Lilsleazey, no doubt these words are wasted on you as they whiz right over the top of your pointy bald head, but let me try to help you out. You think you've really stumbled onto something earthshaking here which you might be able to use to gain some modicum of credibility. I hate to disappoint you, but it was not a matter of a "Freudian slip'. Jarasan was intentionally playing off of an advanced literary construct called SATIRE that uses humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule to indirectly expose or criticize another person's vices or stupidity. Satire goes beyond regular back and forth locker room banter and will not make the intended impression on the mind of a simpleton. A mental midget will interpret the satirical remark literally as you did. In this particular instance, the use of satire was initiated by Mike himself in the post preceding Jarasan's remark for the purpose of turning the spotlight back on you and pals to expose your own deviant proclivities and low intelligence in the context of these same topical issues that are constantly alluded to and being brought up by you and Amberjack on the pages of these forums. This remark would have completely escaped your notice had it not been for the unlikely post made by truesee himself on another page. I know this is all bit overwhelming and light years beyond your limited faculties of understanding, but again, let me emphasize that I'm here trying to help you out as it must be incredibly frustrating and depressing always being portrayed as the village idiot over and over. I'm not without sympathy, but so sorry to dash your hopes again, Lol
There you go with the homophobic slurs again, ambturd.

LiLSleezebag, I expect J is like me, confident and secure in his masculinity and sexual identity, enough to joke about it. It's only hypocrites like you and amturd who profess to be progressive yet are mired in a 1950's mindset.

What are you doing online at this time of the evening? Shouldn't you be staking out yo' mama's street corner?   You're probably the hardest working guy in the hood, pimpin' out your mom and dealing crack at the same time.
Some day LilSleezebag might learn that it's just best to keep your trap shut when you're an avowed ignoramus, Lol
Ha ha Kalo is pissed off, anyone is going to read that horsesh1t !
Come down off the molly for a few days and give it another try, Amberjack. You just might learn something!
amberjack and lil*girlfriend fit the typical profile of libturd men that have been emasculated by the women that rule their lives, simple as that. It is called the "pussification". So when confronted by men they go to their safe place and try and rationalize their miserable small diqued existence by repeating sh1t they see on the huffpo, motherjones, NYT>AJC>WAPORAG etc.

I am guessing amberjack is/was a male at some point.
I'm willing to bet Mike is the top and jarash!t fro brains is a bottom, do you guys flip around once in a while?
JARASAN, you and I have nothing in common. You are a pervert and is in perversion. You and Mikey should get along fine. But that is not how I roll. SAD:<
KKKAL, what can I say about your corrupt azz that I haven't already said. You are a hated man in the streets. You're constantly paranoid because of all the wrong you have done to others because of the color of their skin. Yes KKKAL, I know all about the rouge cops of Albany, Georgia.
Yawn. You two pusillanimous pizzants are starting to bore me. You're WAY too easy to trigger; most of the insults go right over your heads and you can't even entertain me with something even remotely clever in response. You're low-hanging fruit, not a challenge at all.

I feel a little guilty because slinging mud with you two is akin to pulling wings off of flies...pretty much the same, actually. Ambturd is the horsefly buzzing around LilSleezy, the horse's azz. Annoying, but one quick swat squashes 'em. Sleezy, the gelding, isn't good for even pulling a plow and is too cranky to be allowed around children, so off to the glue factory! Maybe you can be good for something for a sticking Popsicle sticks together in 2nd Grade Arts & Crafts. You'll probably find the conversation there more suited to your intellect.

BTW, what is a "rouge" cop? One who wears makeup? I dunno what he does on his own time, but I'd be willing to bet that's not acceptable while on-duty...unless he was an officer in Berkeley or San Francisco, maybe.
LilSleazey, this all sounds very personal for you. You constantly harp on this subject. i suspect you must have lived here back in the day. How many times did I arrest you for drunk and disorderly down at the Mud Puddle on South Jackson Street? If you ran your mouth off at the time or tried to resist arrest, I would have requested a high $500 bond from the judge at preliminary arraignment. Nobody would want to put up the money to get your sorry azz out of jail so you would have to stay at the downtown Hilton for quite some time, LOL. The only ones that so-called hated me were the repeat offenders or recidivists that got sent back to the state penitentiary after having their probation revoked for armed robbery or some other such felonious self-defeating behavior. But some of them later came back and thanked me for getting them off the streets and saving their lives in the long run. I could probably go back and review the reports from the arrest/booking archives from the early 1980's to get the name you provided to the jail intake officer at the time. Give it a rest, LilSleazey.
Maybe LilSleazey had a run-in with Khmer Rouge officials from Democratic Kampuchea back around 1975 or so? He seems to be confused, but for the record, I was never affiliated with Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge regime in Phnom Penh.
Sorry to disappoint you KKKAL. I'm not a resident Georgian. I didn't have a police record when I went into the Military, nor did I have one when I finished my tour of duty in Vietnam. I went to college, graduated with honors, and became a middle school Math and Science teacher for 31 years. In all those years I had never been arrested and the only time I went to jail is when I played monopoly. All Blacks are not criminals and have police records... Not even in Albany bigot..
Oh well, I'll get back with you in a few hours KKKAL. LOL
No answer, I guess Kalo is a top. I'm assuming now of course.
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