Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Special counsel investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice

Saw this earlier on the news. It's about freaking time. Expedite this sh1t already !...add collusion to the list.
Trump has an intimidating personality of authority. Going to impeach him for that are they.

Yes, mental midget dimwit demon-rats see Russians and collusion behind every bush and under every rock, Lol, you people are so stupid as to defy comprehension!
They don't want to comprehend!! You never see them or hear them mention collusion between Obama, Lynch, Clintons. They enjoy sweeping under the rug. Nothing but trash, Democrats are!!!
I'd think *someone* should know the meaning of "collusion" before leveling that charge.
That * Someone * doesn't know the difference between a "Stamp and a Envelope". Typical Liberal demeanor. Full of Hatred and BS, but loves to run the mouth.
I kinda feel sorry for amberjack. amberjack if you want to call me names go ahead if it makes you feel   a better stronger man or woman?? whatever, you pussy whatever you are, freak dumb ass.
BTW. Fake news again, from the geoff bozos wapo pos rag of fake news all the time.
The left's distraction or smoke screen is to accuse others of doing exactly the same things they themselves have done. Believe it's called 'projection' or in more colloquial terms 'hit dog always hollers'.

And btw, Trump has every right to defend himself against false accusations.
The leftist are obstructing the people of America, they are the true obstructionists.
Oh puleeeze jarash1t, stop with the victim crap. I could write a book with all the insults that spewed out of your mouth in the last 10 years to me and so many others.. Give me a freaking break...!!!!

Trumpy is on his way out...get over it !
Oh puleeeze jarash1t, stop with the victim crap. I could write a book with all the insults that spewed out of your mouth in the last 10 years to me and so many others.. Give me a freaking break...!!!!

Trumpy is on his way out...get over it !
Oh puleeeze jarash1t, stop with the victim crap. I could write a book with all the insults that spewed out of your mouth in the last 10 years to me and so many others.. Give me a freaking break...!!!!

Trumpy is on his way out...get over it !
Oh puleeeze jarash1t, stop with the victim crap. I could write a book with all the insults that spewed out of your mouth in the last 10 years to me and so many others.. Give me a freaking break...!!!!

Trumpy is on his way out...get over it !
Yep, President Trump will be on the way out in approximately another 7.5 years, that is if the Secret Service can protect him from being the target of assassination or receiving major bodily harm at the hands of all the deranged and despicable leftist freakazoid troglodytes out there that are fixated by their evil designs and are vying on who will be the first get to him.
amberjack get off the crack don't pound the keyboard, sell your food stamps and get some broad band you dummy.
Go to hell jaraloser
amberjack skydaddy atheist that is a ironic stupid thing to say,    you know it you are going to get the pineapple down there in that imaginary place hell, right?
I'm already in hell jaracrap. Having to read your garbage is hell.
amberjack, hell daddy has a pineapple waiting just for you!!!!!!!!!
And Santa Clause has a banana to grease for you. The fairy godmother will also be there to laugh at you, along with the fairies....

Grown adults in 2017 believing in gremlins and fairies. *rolls eyes.....And you call me strange...

I got an idea, maybe if you pray hard enough to grand wizard, he'll grant your 3 wishes. (slaps you silly)
Oh are you at it again missy/mister? Hey Atheist, grow up and stop your whining. Can't handle others who have a mind, and common sense. No body makes you read any other comments, go run along crybaby.
Everytime jaracrap spews crap from his hole lejardumb shows up. What are you, his boyfriend and body gaurd? ...He can make a fool out of himself without your help. Isn't there a ceiling to pray to somewhere?...yeah in your cave.
Well, well, well, how fast the little troll shows up, don't have anything better to do with your time?
Lol, speaking of a fool, yea I am his GAURD......

Little atheist is that all you can come up with?

ha ha, jaracrap needs someone else to be his little bitch spokesmouth. He needs to fire you because you're doing a lousy job.
Jarasan kicks your rearend every post, he needs nobody's help. You liberal weenie are just too easy to light up, anybody can push your button in a nanosecond, what a L O S E R.

My preliminary assessment of the current interesting case study with which we are hereby presented is yet another leftist dope smoking troglodyte/agitator being stoned out of his GOURD. Indications of abnormal psychogenic aberrations are present. Patient seems to have developed full blown Trump Derangement Syndrome. Access to keyboard should be restricted and closely monitored until patient shows noticeable signs of improvement.
Really lerjardumb? Kicks ass? How can I take anything he says seriously? He believes in fairies and gremlins. A grown man in 2017 still believing in fairytales. He may kick ass in a mental institution with the other mental patients, but not me. I think I was about 11 when I realized Santa was fake...ha ahahha ahahhhaa

Now I see Kalo, so let me get this str8, when one of your right wing nut job friends makes insults, it's okay right?

Hypocrisy much? Maybe you need to get a discount price plan to that institution. Think about it, you, lejardumb and jaracrap can join for a 30% discount rate.
Let's take a look at who started the insults first.

3rd comment down,
Yes, mental midget dimwit demon-rats see Russians and collusion behind every bush and under every rock, Lol, you people are so stupid as to defy comprehension!
# posted by KAL035 : 3:43 AM

4th comment down,
They don't want to comprehend!! You never see them or hear them mention collusion between Obama, Lynch, Clintons. They enjoy sweeping under the rug. Nothing but trash, Democrats are!!!
# posted by CARBOB : 6:43 AM

7th comment down, NOTICE I didn't even mention jaracrap's name, unprovoked, yet kalo and lejardin tell me to stop the insults...HYPOCRISY????
I kinda feel sorry for amberjack. amberjack if you want to call me names go ahead if it makes you feel   a better stronger man or woman?? whatever, you pussy whatever you are, freak dumb ass.
# posted by jarasan : 7:58 AM

Feel free to seek a 2nd opinion. I think lejardin has considerable expertise in these matters. But my initial assessment in regard to your worrisome mentation stands as dictated above. We don't won't you going totally bonkers when your latest fervent expectations and high hopes for vindication that you have pinned on the bogus appointment of special counsel for investigation of "pooosible obstruuuction" also get dashed to smithereens, just like all the other fake constructs you leftist freakazoids fabricated against President Trump failed to stand up to scrutiny. That's all!
Thank you soooooo much for allowing me to make opinions, that's really sweet of you. Praise be to the highest to allow ME to express my thoughts. I'm not worthy ...Now go back to your cave.

There is a good chance something will happen to Trumpy, too bad If you don't like to see me write it, get over yourself.

BTW, stop trying to sound like that other nut job Michael Savage, sounding like that loser doesn't help your cause.
No rational thinking person (without connections to the Obama deep state) is concerned with all the baseless and nonsensical allegations and outright lies that you leftists fabricate on a daily basis. Much less President Trump. Just read his tweets, Lol. And the best is yet to come! Furthermore, nothing will happen to President Trump just as long as the Secret Service does their job and keeps him safe from the likes of your demon-rat pals that have contracted full blown Trump Derangement Syndrome and like to shoot up Republicans gathered for morning baseball practice. That's all!
Wow, you are so brainwashed by Trumpy. Sad sad sad. You people are the joke of the Century. Trumpy, the good old innocent guy who can do NO poor souls !...I got a bridge to sell you cheap.
Amber, KKKAL can't help himself. He's indoctrinated with repub wacko sites on a daily basis. He thinks no one recognize Rush and the other blow hards insane rhetoric. He's just a disgraced and lonely cop from the sticks of Albany.
Such an eyesore that confounded rusty old and dilapidated bridge you want to sell. Tear it down and sell it for scrap. We don't want it. President Trump is making infrastructure improvements and will have a beautiful new bridge built in its place. The most majestic bridge you've ever seen! We're all about making America Great Again!
lol Speedy, right, Rush Bimbo....YES FOLKS!

Even Trumpy's followers are thumbing him down now, and more to follow.

People who were on the fence thought this Blond Superman wearing his cape would swoop down and save the day. Not liking the alternative, they basically threw their money at some Casino dice table. Now they regret looking like idiots.

Basic rule of law, it's very telling when a topic in a blog, a news story of a sort, gets so many response from just ONE entry, being because I've made comments before this one for weeks on end in all topic blogs, but this one seemed to hit a nerve. And that's how I can read people. It's so easy to do once you know how to spot the signs.

Just look at the amount of responses. The FACT that this didn't happen in other blog posts is very telling. In my opinion it means the fear of the outcome of this investigation, rather this latest news has more merit than all the "other" "fake accusations" cop out scheme.

Oh yes ! You demon-rats have him boxed in now. I'm sure he's quaking his boots as his supporters are jumping ship in droves, Lol; what parallel universe are you living in? It is very telling indeed when you have to team up with the likes of LilSleazey. Thats what really speaks volumes, LOL, so pathetic!!
I live in the universe you do which means it's really becoming irritating. I wish I could go to another universal plane just to get the heck away from the weirdos.

Curious, has there been a 3 hour fire drill from mental institutions? It's like they all came out at once, like the black and white original zombie movie. Night of the living dead electronically...ahhaha ahahha ahaha ahahaha aha
lol...He's just a disgraced and lonely cop from the sticks of Albany.

"behind every bush and under every rock, Lol, you people are so stupid as to defy comprehension!"

I guess retired cops never really retire huh? Go watch a sunset already.
Amberjack, you must promise me you will NOT succumb to peer pressure and temptation to go and out and shoot up a meeting of Florida Republicans when it comes out the latest accusations against President Trump are also unfounded and everybody is laughing at the stupidity of the demon-rats again. You must maintain control. Help is available for Trump Derangement Syndrome but it requires a partial bilateral frontal lobotomy. That's all.

I'm a potential shooter now. lol..

RUSH: You see folks? These left wing whack-jobs are at it again FOLKS!!!!....Who knows how far they will take their anger and hostility?...YES FOLKS!!!

Just remember I said it here first !
Bingo! Rush was right on the money with that one!
KKKAL, what do you think you fools are doing to Amber? She's handling all of you bozos. You cowards are too thin-skinned when it comes to Trump. I know he is not living up to the Super Orange Man hero you people thought would make America Greedy again. (MAGA) SAD:<
She? Now you are totally confusing me! It was my understanding that we were exchanging comments with Amber-Jack, not Amber-Jill. Are you sure ?

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after

This ancient English nursery rhyme from days of yore is subject to modern day interpretation, but I suppose you progtards would allege that President Trump and Jeff Sessions were up there on that hill colluding with the Russians when they were discovered and interrupted by two local snowflakes, Jack and Jill. Consequently, both snowflakes were illegally and unceremoniously pushed down the hill by Trump and Sessions to keep them from talking. On the way down they bumped their heads and sustained concussions. Both are suffering lingering effects of identity crisis to this very day. Help me out on this one please, LilSleazey! Amber-Jack or Amber-Jill? Surely you have the inside scoop on this highly suspicious tumble down the English hillside! Surely the Republicans in collusion with the Russians were behind the entire sordid affair!
lol Kalo
That should elicit at least a "SAD" comment from LilSleazey after he wakes up later this morning!
That should elicit at least a "SAD" comment from LilSleazey after he wakes up later this morning!
KKKAL the SAD:< is for corrupt ex-cops with low intelligence. Listen to your wacky repub indoctrination and report back like you thought of your comments all by your whittle self. :<
Ha! I knew you would take the bait and you did. You had the chance to exit without bringing further embarrassment and shame upon yourself, but the temptation was too much! Couldn't stand not having the last word, could you? You're not happy if you're not making yourself look dumber and dumber with every lame comment, LOL. Sorry, LilSleazey, but I'm not wasting any more time with you today. Go amuse yourself for the rest of the day by looking at the pictures your Superman comic book collection.
amberjack you stupid fuque, here you are spewing your sh1t on a sh1t for brains blog that has blocked everybody but their bitches.

At 12:46 PM June 14th., amber123 said…

Jarash1t is a loser moron who doesn't have a clue about the real world. He's needs to admit himself to a mental institution.

The day before with no provocation, that f'ing molly you are smoking is affecting your bi polar tiny brain.

amberjack you are not only a stupid fuque but one of lil'sh1tties' bitches. Be proud very proud freak bitch.

KKKAL, you're just a dumb rogue ex-cop with a hate filled heart. The residences of Albany celebrated your departure. People like you made it hard for the good honest cops. SAD:<
JARASAN, you deserve to be blocked, pervert. You spew nothing but nasty, foul, and vulgar rhetoric. You don't possess a clean thought in your water head. :<
Jarash1t the loser. ha ahha aha. SUCKER born every minute. You were a sucker before you were born.
still applies, nothing hath changed:

lil'kommeycorksoaker and amberjack could start a new loser libturd grievance group and it be could be called either Morons United or just the Bowel Movement.

You two are the worst type of rotten American parasites that the leftist propaganda machine has bred. Gullible douche bags.
JARASAN, you are just an angry fat-head pervert. It's Saturday night, order your pizzas and beer, and look at porn all night with your freakazoid friends. This seem to be a weekend ritual with you.
I see Lil'Sleazey has been working on building up his extremely limited vocabulary by reading my posts over and over. He actually used the word 'freakazoid' in a post, Lol. This is very commendable! It shows initiative and a small spark of lucid brain activity between frightening looong interludes of mental stagnation that precede the onset of dementia. You are already at higher risk of dementia from far too many years being immersed and steeped in the cesspool of liberalism where the demon-rats live and breed. Liberalism itself is a mental disorder that hastens the onset of dementia. Did you look up the definition of 'troglodyte' yet? LOL, that's a tough one, but see if you can do it! You can only get so much mileage out of pounding out the same key words 'RACIST', 'DUMB', 'PERVERT' and 'SAD' over and over before you start sounding like the unfortunate kid that had special education needs and rode the short bus to school. Keep on reading my posts and learning. Repetition is the key to learning. I want to encourage to learn at least one new word every week. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Why it's KKKAL, the corrupt cop from Albany, Georgia. You have very little to offer intellectually. All you do is regurgitate what you hear and see on wacky talk radio and fox. You have to go back to the University of Canada and get another on-line degree to keep up with me KKKAL. SAD:<
Having a relapse this morning I see....., oh well easy come, easy go!
KKKAL, that's right keep trying to convince yourself that you're smart. After all, you have a good role-model, Trumpski. SAD:<
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