Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias

How shocking, the only fair news organization is once again Fox News. (And even Fox slanted slightly toward negative news.) It is really disgusting how the media is so biased and actively tries to sink one political party while propping up the other. The problem in this country is not that there are extreme political positions on both sides -- it is that other than Fox News the country does not have a fair news media.
Anybody with a half brain can see what has been happening even before Trump was voted in.
IMO Fox News is beginning to lean left. Murdoch's sons who are running the show now are liberal and married to very liberal wives.   
Can you see the writing on the wall?
Trump needs to be removed from office period. And that's a fact that all media know to be true, but only one side will admit.

When Fox reports something it is labeled as fact, when MSNBC reports something that is stating facts about Trump's shenanigans, it's all of a sudden fake news.

And while they're at it, Fox news should be dismantled and thrown in the dumpster where it belongs. Then we can start fresh and employ reasonable minded Democrats who actually care about the working stiffs in this country, and not their rich cohorts.

Sorry, but any president who takes away meals on wheels which benefits the elderly needs to be immediately ousted. As If the financial woes of this country will greatly improve If we get rid of something so insignificant money wise as that, plus a whole host of other cuts.

Countdown to the end of this 4 year circus is on my list.
I hope Trump changes the rules so he can serve as POTUS for 4 terms.
Good idea Jarasan.

It takes a huge amount of bias to fail to see that the media was unabashedly Hillary's cheer leaders. Their bias was in flashing neon for the entire world to see, but even more pronounced than it was when Obama ran twice.

To be news, they are supposed to report the news, not make it nor allow their political persuasions be evident on television.
"Trump needs to be removed from office period. And that's a fact that all media know to be true, but only one side will admit."

I hope that one day YOUR period ends. Your perpetual whining is growing tedious. Take a Midol, for goodness sake.

"When Fox reports something it is labeled as fact, when MSNBC reports something that is stating facts about Trump's shenanigans, it's all of a sudden fake news."

You could reverse that and it would be even more true. Confirmation bias isn't something that's the sole purview of the Right, you know.

"And while they're at it, Fox news should be dismantled and thrown in the dumpster where it belongs. Then we can start fresh and employ reasonable minded Democrats who actually care about the working stiffs in this country, and not their rich cohorts."

Oh, I see. Silence anyone who disagrees with you. "Free speech for me, but not for thee." If you think Democrats care more about "working stiffs" than anyone else, then you're delusional. I'm convinced you are, anyway, so....

Your wealth envy shtick is getting old. Give it a rest, why dontcha? I know it's easy to always blame someone else for your own life failures, but then again, you're comfortable with your perpetual victimhood, huh?

"Sorry, but any president who takes away meals on wheels which benefits the elderly needs to be immediately ousted. As If the financial woes of this country will greatly improve If we get rid of something so insignificant money wise as that, plus a whole host of other cuts."

It's obvious that you are abjectly ignorant about the Meals on Wheels program and cuts. You should educate yourself, find out that only a small percentage of the cuts would apply to local programs, nearly all of which depend upon local donations and unpaid volunteers. You rely upon fear tactics in regards to program cuts. "Trump is gonna starve old folks!" or in the case of PBS funding cuts "The Republicans want to kill Big Bird!" I bet you've never donated a dime to PBS, never volunteered to deliver MoW. You're probably the type to reach into the Salvation Army kettle to drop a buck in but takes a ten spot out.

You lefties have perverted JFK's noble speech into "Ask not what I can do for my country, but what my country can do for ME!"

"Countdown to the end of this 4 year circus is on my list."

This "circus" might very well last eight years, the same length as the recent long national nightmare we all had to endure. Obama did nothing to help this country and he didn't do the Dems any favors...only helped himself get re-elected, that was it. Obama was the epitome of cronyism and kickbacks and favors to Wall Street...anyone who helped him consolidate power.
Trump should be thrown in prison for the rest of his life Mike. What part of the circus are you in, the clown?
Careful there, sweetie. Your partisan hackery is showing. (still) You can't name a single crime he's committed, only regurgitating the same things you keep hearing in your echo chamber.

Keep stomping your widdle feet and having tantrums. We adults will just keeping laughing at you.
Little mikey, I have my opinions and no matter what I bring up, your kind will always reject it. Conservatism is a mental disorder, and hard to cure. I feel sorry for you and others who couldn't buy a clue if they had to.

Trump has committed more atrocities than you'll ever admit to. What a freaking joke. SUCKERS!!

You all deserve what's coming to your country. He's going to ruin it forever. LOSER!
"My kind"? What kind would that be? Oh, that's right, someone who loves America, something that "your kind" doesn't understand. I don't care for Trump personally, didn't vote for him in the primary, but when it came to the general election, the choice was clear. I certainly don't regret my vote and never will, not considering the horrible alternative.

I keep asking for incidents of "atrocities" or crimes Trump has committed, yet you never list a single one. As I've said, you can only vomit forth generalities you have been spoon fed, not an original thought in your vapid brain.

"Your country"? What is YOUR country? If you're not an American, then your opinion is meaningless, it would be even if you're a citizen, come to think of it. So, yes, I will always reject it. It originates from ignorance and a lack of critical thinking, that's why it's worthless and doesn't mean anything.
Mike, you're full of crap, you're not even worth it. I really don't give a flying crap what you think, it's full of garbage anyways.
amberjack is on the pipe again.... put it down go back to rehab.
I don't do drugs jarashmear,,,
Sounds like amber got triggered, jarasan, she's a poor little snowflake!

Face it, you mental midget, I could kick your butt in a debate (or insult-fest) nine ways to Sunday without even trying...and not just because I'm smarter than you, but because I'm right and you know it.

Yep, mentally inept and a liar to boot. Typical progtard.
JARASAN and MIKIE are two of a kind. Both of you are two little punks that try to act tough behind a key board. You two are sniveling cowards and weird. It takes two of you to handle Amber. Attacking someone because of a different view is weak.
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