Truesee's Daily Wonder

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Monday, March 13, 2017


New video emerges in Michael Brown case

Props to you, truesee, for posting this entry. I heard about this a week ago but, was waiting for it to be substantiated. Those cops used a false and, now, deadly narrative to justify profiling him and doing what they did. All we're waiting on now is for that tussling over the cop's gun to be reviewed again.i still find it hard to believe that a young man with a hand full of skin went after a cop packing a loaded firearm. Yeah, go into that lion's cage with your pillow and challenge it.....

The fake documentary produced by the amateur filmmaker Jason Pollock attempts to use heavily edited video from the convenience store in a very dishonest and deceptive manner to argue that instead of being a strong-armed robber/thug, that Brown was ‘merely’ a drug dealer, and should be seen once again as the ‘Gentle Giant’, just trying to get by in life day by day. There was no problem with Brown shoving the immigrant store owner aside who was trying to prevent him from leaving until the police got there. Liberals are good with that! Furthermore, the libtards had no problem with the ensuing rioting, looting, property destruction, defecating in the streets, lawlessness, revenge killings, etc. The crux of Pollock’s entire opportunistic argument is that Michael Brown was executed by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson with a gunshot to the head for no reason other than “because he was black”. The problem is those are not the facts of the case, further complicated by the fact that Jason Pollock is a dimwitted rabid, radical left-wing freakazoid protester, totally devoid of any understanding or common sense. The title of Pollock’s bizarre “documentary” piece is STRANGE FRUIT (racial motivation innuendo)

St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch was interviewed by the highly respected and very professional Fox News Anchor, Martha MacCallum, to get his response to Pollock’s ridiculous fake documentary. McCulloch dismissed the entire premise of Pollock’s argument, refuting each of the reckless accusations point by point. Pollock was essentially making up and presenting his own fictitious version of what happened for the purpose of keeping the usual crowd of agitators and street vermin inflamed and stirred up. The actual facts of the case as determined by the US Department of Justice, an entire 40-man team of FBI agents, forensic pathologists and Grand Jury, ultimately exonerated Officer Wilson of any wrong-doing whatsoever. However, the actual facts of the case were completely irrelevant and not of the slightest concern to the sanctimonious idiot Pollock. Pollock’s investigative techniques and skills, inspired by regular marijuana use, are of course, far more advanced and vastly superior to those utilized by the team of poorly trained and conspiratorial FBI agents and state investigators.

All that one has to do to confirm beyond any shadow of doubt that Pollock has contracted an advanced case of FLNS (far left nutcase syndrome) is to watch the section of the interview when Martha MacCallum confronted Pollock over the actual facts of the case. Pollock immediately became unhinged went into full retard mode: asserting himself in an overly challenging and aggressive manner, exhibiting rage and hysteria to the point becoming almost apoplectic, flailing his arms about, rolling his eyes back, ing his head to the side with a stupid quizzical look on his face, leaning back in his chair, yelling at the top of his lungs, calling everyone “bigot” and racists” that dared to disagree with his fake narrative. Pollock was worked up into such a frenzy that MacCallum could hardly get in a word edgewise. His appalling conduct went beyond the bounds of all decency. How she refrained from terminating the interview, I don’t know. The inherently violent nature, unbridled rage and typical refusal to engage in rational discourse that are characteristic traits of these demented leftist protesters were all on full display for all viewers to see. How anyone could give one scintilla of credence to this deranged lunatic is beyond comprehension. The title of this film (STRANGE FRUIT) is perhaps appropriate as you cannot get much more of an oddball fruitcake than Jason Pollock.

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