Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Lacking Evidence of Voter Fraud Legislatures Target Its Specter

At some point, a certain type of people will be faced with asking themselves where does it stop. Trump has pivoted on this issue from actual voters to some BS about registration. He!!, I didn't even really bother with it 'cause he's also now saying that MORE than the original 3-5 million made it into the tally. There's a connection here, though, and it deals with 'positive reinforcement.' If you're not sure what this means, google it. Now, Trump just received confirmation that he and his team were, in fact, indirectly surveilled but this isn't what he actually said or meant. He said that Obama had his wires tapped and such an assertion is held to its 'exacting language' in the intelligence world which is why it was immediately dismissed by EVERYONE. However, in learning from Nunes that he was personally caught up in what was legitimately a standard operation during the months in question, he feels he can also push the voter fraud envelope. He experienced his personal 'I told you so' validation moment but, it ain't happenin', and, this is apples to acorns in comparison with a positive reinforcement for him to try his hand on the voter deal. Done.

Let's analyze the surveillance hype! So, the three months of surveillance were indicative of gathering information from our foreign targets...during our 'election cycle', folks. I see them monitoring key players they feel are definitely interested in our political expediency. In my honest, evidence-based, highly trusted contacts vetted opinion, there were things said/discussed by the targets about some Americans, and, those same Americans are caught in the same wave of conversations and timeline. Think about what Nunes said regarding some of what he personally read in the transcript as being 'very concerning and alarming.' He boogied right over to Trump and all Trump said was, "I feel somewhat vindicated." From then until right now, not another word from him on that briefing. His past actions warrant such that if this was all in his favor and proved inappropriation by the Dems, and especially Hillary, he would've blasted it over the air waves.

As it stands, noone except eyes and ears only know what was so inappropriate, concerning, and alarming. Oh, but, no had nothing to do with Russia so they say. However, the top Dem on this case, Adam Schiff, says that his new and solid findings are 'more than circumstantial evidence now.' That's some pretty strong language which he's highly confident in. He even gave an analogy which assures the proof is visible...and has nothing to do with planted malware etc. *I find it strange that what Mr.Schiff said regarding collusion between Trump and Russia failed to make the headlines rosters here so far. Honest mistake....

With multiple FISA's out there, who knows just how long they've been active, and, who all are now solid pieces to this puzzle. Another tidbit of great information, from yours truly here...Bitebart and Infowars are also under investigation for cyber ties to Russia. All that fake news and all those blatant lies about Hillary and Bernie and the corresponding election cycle are under a strong microscope right now. All that stuff that all the dummies were believing and swallowing about Hillary and Bernie was meticulously manufactured and circulated via 'willing databases.' There's a reason for that big swing in votership which actually had Hillary accurately projected to win. Putin figured it out and handled up on it...very handily I might add.

It's okay, though. It is what it is...until it isn't anymore. Don't take my word it.

Hey Loser, rest assured I don't take your word for it! Enough already with the false innuendo and claptrap! WHEN will you workers of iniquity, aka 'DEMONRATS', ever learn that President Trump is ultimately right in all of his assessments and will keep prevailing against your subversive lies and innuendo? Every so-called shocking allegation and diabolical scheme that you filthy DEMONRATS throw out, allege and insinuate turns out to be total unfounded BS, EVERY TIME! No matter what you unprincipled and devious-minded DEMONRATS plot and scheme up, President Trump is going to come out on top because he is a National Patriot, chosen by providence of God to bring the United States of America back from the brink of destruction after 8 years under the reign of the National Traitor, Odumbo Insane Osama. And you despicable low-life deranged DEMONRATS simply can't handle it; always scurrying around like roaches under cover of darkness, spreading disease and contagion, trying to plant insidious seeds of doubt in fruitless efforts to undermine President Trump. He is unconditionally dedicated to the goals of preserving our national heritage and of making America great again. You will fail every time. Stop wasting your time. The victory has already been won. YOU are the LOSER, your natural and appropriate namesake. Give it a rest already. You got that, LOSER?
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