Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Michelle Obama Can't Hide Her Disdain For Melania Trump

It is there right in your face, moochelle will be moochelle, moochelle is a racist, no question, no doubt. Barry and moochelle, they have race baited from the get go they have driven the country apart & everyone knows it.

mooch is a mean girl.
Michelle has nothing to be jealous of. She has been married only once, has a law degree, and is FLOTUS. Melania on the other hand, is Trump's Third wife, has no degree, no career, and is a gold digger.
The Ham Hock only believes what he wants to know. Melania speaks five different languages fluently , a BS in Business. While Mooschie speaks only one and may have a Law Degree, but she surrendered her License in order to avoid prosecution for Insurance FRAUD. Yep, someone to look up to..
Get in line Ham Hock, the pied piper is calling.
The bamas made their law licenses inactive because they are cheap and don't want to take the required classes to keep their licenses current with the Illinois court.
The law degree means nothing, when you can't practice because she broke the law, like her husband. She and her husband both have nothing to be proud of and you have nothing to be proud of in either one, of them.
MADMAN, you are so obtuse. Speaking several languages from a region that has languages that are similar is not uncommon. Michelle obtained something you can only dream about. Being a racist MADMAN only increases her popularity with the American people. Melania does not have a degree period. What university did she obtain one?
JARASAN, since when did you become an authority on degrees. This coming from someone that was not smart enough to go to junior college. Whatever you say about the subject is moot.
CARBO, you poor racists man." The law degree means nothing". The first words that came out of your mouth was a LIE. You wished you had the ability to obtain a law degree. Since you don't, and Michelle is a Black women that is successful in her own right, you are jealous. I know you can't help the way you are. WWW don't expect anything different from you. I must say that you are a consistent bigot.
lil*sluttygirl you ignorant slut, your reading comprehension is that of a slug. Maintaining a law license and having a degree are two different issues. I did not write that they do not have law degrees, I wrote that they don't want to pay for a practicing law license out of pocket, and that they haven't been attending or kept up with Illinois practicing lawyer legal classes (courses) to stay current with the ever changing and growing legal system. There is an annual fee though to have the courts recognize your degree as still active while you are alive, and if you don't pay that $100 and let it fall behind and want to practice again you must once again petition the courts to be recognized.

lil*sluttygirl, grow the fuque up, you arrogant, angry dipsh1t. If you had any humility or brains, you would keep quite about your pathetic credentials.
Speedy you are never going to be able to accept the fact, there are millions of Blacks that were "given" degrees, not earn from colleges, because of skin color. Why do you think there are so many Blacks in positions, they are not qualified. How many Black teachers in Atlanta, your home state were fired for cheating on tests? How soon do we forget??? That is not racists, that is truth between the eyes. It is time to face facts.
JARASAN, your problem is that you are ignant, uneducated, and is among the 59% uneducated white males that is voting for Trump.
CARBO, you just can't help your racists beliefs. YOU were raised that way. People are not born a bigot, it is a learned behavior. The mere fact that you singled out Blacks as the ones that "were given degrees" shows just who you are in the eyes of LP family and WWW. Name some Blacks that were given degrees or STFU BIGOT.
You know exactly what I mean by the term "given". Other words they were passed but was qualified to pass. How many do you know, how many did you help cheat. How many Black teachers were cheating in Atlanta. Do you think Atlanta was the only place cheating happen, you are fooling yourself. There is now way I can name someone specifically by name, but I bet if you try, you can.
Also CARBO, my home state is Louisiana. I did not work for the Atlanta School System, and the system that I worked in was never involved in cheating. And it is racists if you continue to say Blacks are not qualified because of what you were taught as a child.
LOL, Lilspeedy, seems you've caused a major major butthurt, I can't wait until Hillary wins, we'll have to chip in and buy a case of Preparation H for these clowns..ha ahha ahahha ah
Was affirmative action racist? Are the Mayor and Prosecutor in Baltimore qualified? You keep dancing around the truth.
CARBO, what qualifies Trump to be president? Is there anything in his background that's questionable?
What qualified Obama, what qualifies Hillary? Her stint as SOS sure as hell doesn't qualify her. I am not crazy about Trump but he sure knows business better than her, and we need jobs. You think Obama has improved the lives of Blacks, no. Listen to Farrakhan, he is telling the truth.
Also CARBO, it is obvious that you have nothing of worth to say, if you did you would stick to the subject and not ramble all over the place. That does not show intelligence, it shows confusion.
CARBO, it's a known fact on the LP that you and others hate Farrakhan. The only reason you are praising him is because it fits your narrative about Blacks. You people are so predictable, why, because I'm older, wiser, and saw and heard it all before.
CARBO, you are, what you are. Either way it does not affect me. We all will have to give an account for the deeds done while on this Earth. Everyone will be equal on that great day.
Speaking of haters. Amber and Speedy like to say you and others that disagree are haters. The same can be said of them. They are haters.
They never understand that a difference of opinion does not make one a hater.

Facts are facts. Ovomit has done more to divide this country than any other president in history.
ROBOT it makes you an AZZHOLE when you try to comment about others and is guilty of the same. HYPOCRITE!
@rcbuckeye, I hated, I just said you people have mental disorders, get your facts str8. Anyone who even thinks about voting for Trump has to have a mental disorder.
lil*amberjack is that it? Butt talk, hooking, and calling people names............yup, no question, you are a libtard whore, on the demoncRAT plantation.

lil*sluttygirl you ignorant slut, you are still an ignorant slut. And on that great day, your elevator will only have a down to h3ll button. The baseless hate, anger, and bigotry that you harbor will only make that elevator fall faster to the bottom.
JARASAN, you pervert, didn't your momma teach you any manners. The apple sure don't fall far from the tree.
Ha ha, funny, jaracrap blaming me for calling people names..LMAO, you are the king of insults dumbass, If you can' take the heat get out of your sh1t house.
lil*amberjack your reading skills are that of a hooker, I am not blaming you of anything other than that is all you know how to do, because as far as staying on topic you and lil*sluttygirl have not even come close to writing something pertaining to the topic, all you've done so far on LP is threaten, insult, and act like a dummy.
lil*sluttygirl one button, straight down.
JARASAN stop using my material. You are not original. Everything that you are saying to Amber, I have been saying to you about your momma. Read #3 BOZO then tell me who got off the subject FOOL. YOU> CARBO< AND ROBOT.
I forgot to mention MADMAN. He got off the subject too. See #4 , he started it all.
lil*sluttygirl you ignorant slut, yeah I see #3 but look at #7 and everything before and after, you are full of sh1t, I did not disparage you bit before you started with your childish insults. Same with the stupid whore, the biache has STD's like you and her brain is addled like yours. STD's are Stupid Talking points of demoncRATS.

You will have only one choice, the down button, and trust me, They will cut the cables, you are awash with hatred and malice, straight down to the basement you will drop on that great day.

You are a plagiarizer I am not wasting my time proving it, but you know it, you are a thief and bereft of any intellectual honesty since the get go,, all you do as you always have, is parrot idiotic demoncRAT talking points, avoid facts, and lie, you need meds, you actually think we believe you have said something original????

JARASAN, now that's the GIBBERISH I am use to seeing from you pervert.
JARASAN, you can't fake smarts. YOU are a mediocre little man that works for the GUVMENT. YOU HATE YOUR JOB because you've been passed over X-number of times for piss-poor job performance. You want to quit but their is nothing else that you can do because you only have a high school or GED education. Taking your racists and perverted frustrations out on other people only adds to your pathetic existence.
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