Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Video Shows Unarmed Man On Ground Hands Up Shot By Police

We're headed for an intensified race war and then a police state if not careful. Though he didn't die from the shot, it was still 100% unjustified...and it's gonna cost. Believe me. People are on edge and watching EVERYTHING right now. This shooting is getting zero traction, and, WHERE IN HELL IS SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE'S Uncle Tom azz on this?? I cannot find a single article or comment from this man on this shooting and it's septic tank pathetic after he showed his black azz at the RNC. Maybe I missed it but, I've looked hard.

THIS is what people are pissed about, not the good cops that are reasonable and understand citizens' grief over the issue. THIS type of officer, like Sheriffe Clarke that is, is the problem here. Our recent shooting here in Houston of a black man is vetted, and, the guy had a gun in hand. Seems they asked him to drop it but, no luck. Ain't no protesting going on over this 'cause it's common sense. There were no "BLM'ers" at the Florida shooting so who to blame now? Why isn't 'yours truly' in these blogs commenting on this shooting? THIS type of person is part of the problem, y'all. No BLM'ers, then no comment but the shooting circumstances are still consistent. What's wrong with this picture?

Gettin' ready to open up my can of whoop azz on all this hypocrisy.
This is actually the 2nd unjustified shooting I've seen, but we only see the black shootings, how many other groups have been unjustly shot?
The stats don't lie, more whites are killed by cops, you just don't hear about them.
You want to make this a black /white issue and it's not.
Take you whoop azz and go to the nearest mirror.
Another thing why don't you get on your soapbox and stop the black on black killings, cause truth be told, if cops wanted blacks to die, they would just stop showing up to high crime areas and time would do it's thing.
When cops stop showing up, paramedics stop showing up, think about that Mr. droopy azz.
sully - why don't people address black on black crime?   I thought black lives matter.
According to the latest police statement, the police officer wasn't aiming at the Black man, he was aiming at the autistic man. He was told by his partner, the autistic man was loading a weapon, which turned out to be a toy truck. Two very bad mistakes on their part.
@aully16- you will never see loser or Speedy criticize or say anything a Black person does, only Whites. All of the Black on Black crime is ignored, they think it is a White responsibility to fix. None of the elected Black Democrats in Washington will never suggest a fix, they think it is a White responsibility to fix. They have been voting Democrat so long, they can't think for themselves.
Loser- your first statement on a race war is a very stupid statement. Too even mention a Race War is stupid. You had better hope and pray, it never happens.
Emily, that group is so full of ^^it, they are backwards hypocritical liars.
Not willing to help you people loser, just want to spread hate.
Silly you are a very ignorant person.
You are not willing or able to say to Loser, his statement is not only stupid, but shows his ignorance. You Speedy, are the poster child for RACIST.
CARBO the 1st amendment protects RACISTS and BIGOTS too. I thought you knew this. Now get back on subject. An Unarmed black man was shot while holding his hands up and trying to do the job he was trained to do. Oops I made a mistake or I don't know why I shot you will not cut it. I sure hope he gets a good lawyer and sue for being the object of target practice.
Read #5
Oh splodeyhead,, ignorant for suggesting loser do something to stop the violence in the black community, suggesting he go by the facts he loves to spout off about all the time, which he ignores when it suits him.
I see he is ignoring this blog. Both of you need to grow a pair, face reality and try to help.

Yeah, now we're talking. See, I know how to get those PM's circulating 'round here so they can all conjure up amongst one another in private, then attempt to engage me. Just read all their responses very carefully and then go back and read my comments on the corresponding issues they hit me with. I've touched on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, and, have denounced every black that was clearly in the wrong in any article I've read here...FACT. Then, regarding black on black crime, I've made my case several times recently on how Chicago can't get any support AND WHY they can't. No, what it is Speedy is that these people here can't take hard charging common sense when it hits 'em where it really hurts...on the racist side. LMBAO!!! Sully suggests I want to make it into a race thing. No, no, no, no, no, his is a CULTURAL issue just like I also recently said elsewhere in these blogs on the last shooting. I'm fully convinced now that you people actually don't read anything 'cause other people here know better than what you've said about me.

Hell, I've gotten sully16 so wound up that she had to come back within five minutes of each posts to try and finish me off. Then, CARBOB was trying so d@amned hard that he even misspelled sully's name in post #5. CARBOB has went from BLM'ers being the terrorists now to they'll be done come November. This man is a pure bred bigot and doesn't want to see these people stand up for better treatment by the police but, it's the same thing that MLK did with protests. Even then, there were some bad apples with him so this is nothing new. CARBOB is a fake, wanna-be pro-black supporter ONLY when the Uncle Tom blacks broad brush all blacks as terrible people and speak ill of them. Finally, my stomach is in knots from laughing sofa king hard at CARBOB's #6 post! So, "I" had better hope and pray it never happens? Almost sounds like a threat but, I'm cool with action needed from the press. There is no defense for the element of surprise where I come from.

The autistic young man was sitting there with his legs crossed Indian-style and looking at his therapist from where I looked. The therapist was actually talking to the man and probably telling him not to make any sudden moves with that truck in his hands, okay. If the young man didn't have anything pointing at the therapist, then the police officer had no reason to actually fire. If the therapist was really in danger, don't you think he would've shouted, "Shoot him, shoot him!!!" once the officers did arrive? Who in hell sits down with their legs crossed while holding someone hostage? Hell, for a few minutes at one point, the autistic man was even LOOKING AWAY from his therapist AND the cops. WTH??? Right here:

loser, doesn't this contradict about the autistic man and the events that happen?

Never have I said the BLM'ers were terrorists. They are the drug dealers and users from the hood, that have lived off the government.
Actually I am a very calm person, I was serious, why don't you put you words to use and help people.
LL, CARBO and SILLY are anti-Black anyway. You would think that Silly would be the last one to discriminate, but she has been brain-washed and is worse than a bigot.
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