Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, July 23, 2016


The Future of The Black Republican Party

There's a seriously ugly truth to being a black Republican and it runs parallel with the Trump/Pence interview on last weeks's 60 Minutes. Trump said outright that it was okay for Pence to make the mistake on voting for the Iraq but, not okay for Hillary. Well, hell, they both voted the same way on the same d@mned thing. Enter black Democrats and black Republicans here.

The Republican will say the same thing as the Democrat and depending on the agenda, he'll be either a hero or a RINO for it. There are some brainless, yet still divisive people that take pleasure in exploiting blacks that are politically in step with them...until they aren't in step with them. I thought right was right and wrong was wrong. Common sense is only common sense and has no color or political affiliate. Ptesident Obama has said things and acted in many ways considered to have conservative tendencies but, he's despised for it. As soon as a Republican re-words the same thing and introduces it , it's the best thing since Charmin toilet paper. Ho hum.
So are you on or off the plantation?
Almost forgot to remind everybody of something. The blockbuster movie, HILLARY'S AMERICA, is out on the EVE of the DNC and I encourage everyone to go and see it...hell, take a friend. Seriously. In just preliminary screening of this deal, I can clearly see what the objective is and while it does fall within the general margin of error politically-wise, there's a GROSS misguidance when it comes to the race part of it all. Yeah, I was listening to El Rushbo yesterday, as usual, and I actually pulled over and stopped when he started his segment on Hillary's America, the Democratic Party, slavery, and segregation. Let me reinforce something here about Rush, okay. He's very informed and smooth with what he does daily...he's sharp. Gotta give it to him.

However, this day and time, more liberals and blacks actually tune in to not only him but, other right wing h8ters and race separatists. I know this as fact. The days of ignoring who the real enemy is are long, long gone because we must keep our enemies closer than our friends. That said, and back to the race deal, both people which Rush names in the following excerpt from his webpage are Caucasian, okay. He's trying really hard to maintain focus on just the 'parties' but, there's no way not to tie race into the way. The people back then may have very well been Democrats but, that also pure exploitation because they were ALL WHITE as well. This is where Rush cleverly falls short 'with intent' to do so. Even Hannity was on board with that BS but, failed to say that, "All these men looked like US."

-The Democrat Party is the party of slavery. The Democrat Party's the party of segregation. It was the Democrats who did all the lynching. It was the Democrats who turned the fire hoses on protesters. It was Democrat police officers who beat John Lewis upside the head in Selma. It was the Democrat Party that engaged in forced sterilization. It was the Democrat Party engaged in sympathy for fascism and communism in the 1930s.

They are the party of slavery. They were the Southern plantation owners. The great Democrat senators of the 1950s, J. William Fulbright, all of these great Democrats were segregationists. One of the greatest political crimes has been to successfully transfer all of that in people's minds to the Republican Party. The Democrats' relationship to the Ku Klux Klan, it was Democrat governors that refused to allow black students to enter the universities. Lester Maddox, George Wallace were all Democrats.-

Do a Google search on every name Rush listed here and I guarantee you won't be surprised at what you'll find...I GUARANTEE IT. You'll be hard pressed to find a black man doing to his own back then what these whites were doing...let alone doing it to a white guy. I agree, it's time be politically VERY INCORRECT.

Let's also note that this entry by truesee was posted at 10:12 a.m. today and I purposely waited. NO ONE even thought of addressing this entry until I finally decided to share my thoughts. Mind you, the second poster had already posted in several other entries while skipping on this until they realized that I had compelled them, once again, to expose their hatred. Mission accomplished and still batting .500.
LMOGAO! Compelled? You couldn't answer the simple question without turning yourself into a pretzel. For God's sake are you on or off the GDamm demoncRAT plantation???????? Yes or No? One word answer if you so desire, set yourself free.
JARASAN, too much to comprehend? Try reading it in chunks. That always works with Slow Readers and the Mentally Challenged.
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