Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


New welfare restrictions target booze and tattoos

Well, looks as though that's going to put the Demwits on suicide watch..
This is campaign smokescreen poop for the haters to eat up. People need to feel superior in so many ways so welfare and food stamps are used a lot and it helps try to get the heat off Romney with not given up his tax returns. He bought more than booze and tatoos with the funds he had hidden in Swiss bank accounts and the millions if not billions he got from the 100s of companies he bankrupted, laying off workers and sending jobs overseas while he got richer and richer and now he won't give up the tax returns because they will prove he is a liar and the poor poor Republicans won't have anybody. Now they are forced to go back to the Tea Party stratgery of hate, hate, hate, and I don't understand that because it didn't get them far before only Cain, fat head Newt, and now Romney who is a Liar.
today,romney sent his wife out to stop the fire,with no fire hose!
he still has a ton of money in bain,and soon to layoff more!
we must see his hidden tax returns to see where his charity gifts were to,besides mormons.
Oh my goodness gracious!


What have they said that welfare queens can't have anymore that made Bimbo (tenaj) go berserk?

Let's take a look, shall we?

Ah, here it is. These are the things welfare queens can't use taxpayer money to buy anymore in MASS:
"...booze, cigarettes, lottery tickets, casino gambling, tattoos and strippers."

OMG! I can see why Bimbo went insane! How DARE they take away welfare queens' rights to buy those necessities with taxpayer money? How DARE they?
Romney might have to give up the tax returns after all or come up with a VP sooner than he wants cause he's hot and need a fan to keep the heat off. Somebody give Romney one of those welfare fans. He's sweating. The troops can't keep up the welfare campaign smokescreens, race cards, and Tea Party hate. There's an election going on. They need to move on with the campaign and give up the tax returns. Even the GOP wishes he release them. They scared. He bankrupted all of those companies, what a shame.
I don't think Joe Blow on the street cares about tax returns. What's important to people is putting food on the table, paying rent.
Roger that, Em.
Bain comes in to rescue companies just before they go under. They manage to save about 89% of them. That's a pretty good job-saving record. Obama has lost us millions of jobs, most gone overseas.
We need someone with job creating and job saving experience in the White House, not the dope that's in there now. Let him go back to signing up scammers for food stamps in Chicago like he used to do.
Yeh! Emilyg, that why they want the food stamps to feed their families,duh! Since when have people been able to buy lottery,cigarettes,liquior, sex,gamble and tattoos on food stamps.Somebody is lying this is a scheme to keep food out of the mouth of the poor.
I bet maddydog has a tatoo.
Welfare should be eliminated completely, watch how fast folks find jobs, watch how fast they stop making bad choices, watch how fast , some of these single moms figure out who the daddy is and make him pay for his kid.
Be careful what you wish for! wink!!!
That's right I do have a couple of ( Tattoos ) , what of it?

And I agree 100% sully, and I too wish the same...
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