Truesee's Daily Wonder

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Monday, July 23, 2012


How Obama Has Failed the Black Community

i think of rdrgnr in his pickup truck,rebel flag,gunrack,but i don't think it's black.
The Republicans failed the black community for 100 years after the civil war.
That's why they became Democrats.
The Republican corporate owners shut down the factories in the inner-cities of most large American cities where most black Americans reside and work.
They didn't drive,took the bus or walked to work in the city.
The GOP made it easy for their corporate owners to outsource the black American jobs causing their unemployment rate to be twice those of white America.
Unemployment in black communities was twice the white rate before President Obama took office.That's why they voted for him overwhelmingly.They KNOW white owned America IS Responsible for their dilemma and will vote overwhelmingly AGAIN for President Obama's;
We need to look at why cities have failed the working community on jobs.
At one time there was a great migration of rural amerca to the cities for those jobs.
The jobs have abandoned the cities and moved elsewhere and those descendents of the migrants to the cities have stayed on with no future of jobs coming back. Especially manufacturing jobs.

the government used to give the cities money for such jap,but now they have such debt the cities are going ear marks,etc..
That is why I think states, cities and towns need to have a reason for jobs to move in or continue on. It is a constant fight for job creators to stay in buisness and we all know the reasons why.
I could go on and on about reasons why. Just look around where you live and find the reasons why. More people need to become active in community meetings to discuss it.
yes,we need more community organizers.
He's gonna lose a lot of those Black votes he got last time, this time. He considers them bought and paid for and thinks they ought to sit down and shut up but I think he might get a big surprise.
No! Ridge! there will be no surprise from the Black Community ,take it from a member of the Black Community. Who will they vote for certainly not Romney he's all in with the Hate Mongers /Republican party /Tea Party.
No, Louise, the hate mongers are the Democrat Party/Occupiers.
And I hope you're not masturbating in the street with them.
That ain't right, Miss Louise.
rdgrnr,with talk like that against a woman,you drive people to Obama,not smart man!
People who masturbate in the street belong with Obama, dorkio.
We don't need 'em and we don't want 'em.
Louise, just remember this. The heat is on Romney now and the GOP.

Romney bankrupted 100s of companies, out sourced the jobs overseas, got caught in two ponzi schemes and hid the money in swiss bank accounts and the caymen island and won't show his tax returns. America don't trust him now, especially since he won't show his tax returns. He's lost a lot of votes.

He's got to come up with a VP real soon to try to get the heat off him even more. Romney is going to get toe up from the frame.
when romney ran in the lideral state of massachusetts,after a bad democrat,he said he was for a womans'right to,he is running for president,as a republican,he is against abortion.who knows what this man stands for,no policies,no vp.
You keep repeating yourself, jan-jan.
Are you getting senile or what?
But everytime you mention tax returns I think of how Nancy(The Botox Monster)Pelosi and Harry(Woman-Voice) Reid won't show theirs.
What on earth could they be hiding?
I think we need a court order so we can see what's in them away from the fog of controversy.
"Next time I put a lil Shug Avery pee in his glass....see how he like that."

I saw yo picture though Bimbo and you don't look like Shug, you look like Celie.
And you know what Shug said to Celie don'tcha?: "You sho is ugly!"
And she was right, wasn't she, Bimbo?
Anybody that want a joke from you just need to follow you in the bathroom and watch you pee.
Hehe!he!heh!eh! early this morning Tenaj! LOL!
This article is about how Obama has failed the black community. Anyone who is arguing with Tenaj, scorpio, louise, and boobya are falling victim to the liberal debate style of talking about anything other than the actual topic. You would be wise to avoid engaging with any of these four trolls, and ignore their attempts to derail the topic. Just comment as if they said nothing -- which essentially they did.
wrong todd,if you're not Black it's hard to say what Obama has or not done for Blacks,i know what romney would do.
rdgrnr,who cares what pelosi,reids tax forms say,as they are not running for president,wow you have cobwebs in your cerebum!
We recognize that pub's topics are usually a Tea Party "smokescreen" and big fat lie to get the heat off what's going on with Romney's tax returns or the filibusting in Congress that shows that they hate Obama more than they love America. Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain, they say, "let us tell you what to think." Then they get mad at you and call names when you don't bite on their lie or play into the theme they have been told to run that day. It's part of a campaign to divert attention away from Romney's super rich unethical dealings with the America people and his off shore accounts. Calling it like I see it. Everytime they want to divert attention they either pick on the black community, pick killing babies (that's Ridge's favorite) welfare, food stamps - sully's favorite, gay marriage and the blessed birthers reared it's ugly head again to help get the heat off Romney.
Why ! Todd we all know where you stand on this site . Why you just say it the Democrats are not welcome on your site .You have nothing and say to say about the rest these idiots ,even when their threating the President of the United States and you have the like of Jarsan ,ridge,sully,maddog and the occasional freaks and TROLLS on your precious site and you have the audacity to tell your Trolls and the others on this site what think of the Democrats , Well I could give a rats A about what you say from this day forward, you're just like the rest of these hate monger, well you may as you have delete my statement or do as your TRolls want close my account ,but you can't peguinhole me. Beside who the hell are to tell me what i can say about the Black Community are you Black? You should just say that this site is for the Right Wing Wackos and not people trying to show different points of views and opinions.You 're are darn straight ! You PO me when you start to steretype people !!!! Where was the out cry when Jasen goes to every blog with the same old BS> and the DOg Sully has been for months talking how she tamper with people on food stamp food in her place of work because she hates minority that buy with food stamps. Seem like your whole crew should be investigated.
"Under Obama, the African-American community has fewer jobs, with those who have jobs often making very little, and an increasing number of families with no place to live -- facts that should cause African-Americans to wonder what they voted for in 2008."

Yes, he has failed and we need to admit that to ourselves and move on. We need to come together to change this situation. We have to make hard choices and do it as one people, united, marching together in lockstep as one, as we take the wheel and turn this country around and get it back on the right path again.

When hell freeze over!. The Black Community know what time it is ,our community was lagging behind white community long before the President took office this a society problems,not a Barack Obama problem.
And you'll be lagging behind long after he's gone too, Louise.
As long as you stay on Uncle Sam's Plantation.
You have to decide if you want food stamps or jobs.
I hope you make the right choice, Miss Louise, so we can march proudly together arm-in-arm into the light of day and shout out in unison - It's Morning in America!

Obama needs to actually go into the Black communities and talk to the people and listen to their concerns. He won't learn anything about them on the golf course with his rich, lily-white, fatcat friends.
Louise marching arm in arm with then racist rdgrnr would be like a chicken having dinner with Colonel Sanders!
Hehe!he! LOL!
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