Truesee's Daily Wonder

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Saturday, July 21, 2012


Here Come the Closet Black Conservatives

yes,there are unsmart black conservative haters too!
dorkio the idiot troll, his brain smaller today than yesterday, fortunately for you troll you don't need much brain size to breath.

This story is what gets you thrown off the demoncrat plantation, a "badge of honor" for this intellectually honest man.

From the article since the unsmartest didn't read with its tiny little troll eyes.:

"Bryant travels across America, marching with the NAACP, asking questions, and stands thoughtfully at Tea Party rallies. He takes it all in and asks, "Why?" Why are we so racially divided when we all want the same thing? Bryant asks black Americans, "What are you being prevented from doing because of your skin color?"

The documentary also tells C.L.'s personal story. He grew up in Grand Cane and is a licensed and ordained minister. He lost his church when he began to speak at local Tea Party rallies and about his conservatism. Bryant was also NAACP chapter president in Garland, TX, a position he lost when he declined to speak at a pro-choice rally. Staunchly pro-life, Bryant has twice sacrificed his position to his values.

The main theme of the documentary is not new: the enslavement of black society by big government. People like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are described in interviews as "race-hustlers" or "poverty pimps" because while they claim to represent the best interests of black America, they are profiting from the continued degraded status of blacks."
what the dumb republicans are still going back in time,with no birth certificate for Obama;"and the hate spreader goes on."
when will they stop the hate!
If "big government" was the enslavement of black society I would bite on this. What will fix the black community can be done with education. Ignorance, lack of knowledge and lack of life skills is what plague the black communty, not big government. Generational curses that need to be broken. It use to be only 12% were successful. I don't know what percentage is now. They were called the 12 percenters. I called them "Buppies" hence Yuppies.   I saw them everyday at the museum.   All blacks or any person for that matter need to do is get wise and learn how it all works, do it, know the tricks and pitfalls, do your own thinking and trust in God. It's like what I told my kids - people stick it to you because they can - they depend on your ignorance. Big government is an issue Republicans make big to push an agenda to control the masses. Anybody grown person should know that any kind of enslavement or bondage is on them. Nobody can do that to you. Nobody can enslave you to nothing. You must give yourself justice and freedom. And don't expect it from other people because you will always be disappointed. But receive it when given. You ain't no better than anyone else but just as good. Initiative and drive can not be measured and don't let no one stick that ruler on you. What this idiot doesn't know is that it doesn't matter how successful he gets, he will always be black and when people see him that's what they see first. White people only accept the outstanding black people that do not threaten them and lean to their thinking, or unless they want to be entertained. They treat the rest with racist hate. I plead the 5th on Jackson, Sharpton and the NAACP.
Bryant and Star Parker were ALSO once vilified by the same People They NOW stand with as being on The Democrat Plantation.
The only difference between them then and NOW is that they have figured out how to make a lot of money by moving over to The Conservative-Republican Plantation and NOW they receive praise from the same people that vilified them THEN!
If they could make more money they would switch sides again.
Pay Limbaugh,Hannity,Beck,and all the other Conservative Propagandists enough money and they would make the same switch.
They specifically set out when Reagan did away with The Fairness Doctrine in Media to take control of the radio airwaves,much like Hitler did in Germany,and 24/7 Lie,distort the truth,tell half truths to the American citizen too intellectually lazy to check out if there was any veracity to what they say.
They actually aren't listened to by more than 3% of the adult population.That's why they can't get complete control of the electorate and government in America.
The Nazis of 1930" Germany were only about the same percentage of adult Germans too but they did manage to take control of all of Germany.
The difference in America is that the vast majority of adult Americans in America have alternative media which Germany DID NOT.
That's why The Nazi Big Lie Propaganda ploy worked in Germany but NOT In America thereby denying The Conservative Media that dominates A/M radio along with FOX News,Washington Times,N.Y.Post,Wall Street Journal,and other Conservative Media outlets have not made the headway they want to control all the electorate like in 1930's Germany.
let it die this birther junk,obama is a incumbent,he doesn't have to prove anything,that lmbo and other haters keep bringing up,to shed the light off romney who hides everything.
There's nothing preventing liberals from having radio shows and saying whatever they want, boobio.
So what's the problem?
BTW, how's Air America doin'?
Sounds like a great movie.
Think I'll go see it a few times.
I might even buy tickets for our local libs here.
ridge runner>Air America is doing just fine.
It's NOW known as MSNBC .
You know! You watch it all the time because EVEN YOU MUST get tired of listening to The FOX Republican Propaganda Channel of LIES!(the truth is you only watch it for all the crossed legged bimbos in short dresses and skirts).
MSNBC is a radio show now that's promising to destroy Rush Limbaugh in the ratings?
How is it working so far?
Is Rush gone yet?
wow this colorado psycho had a college degree,and could find no job,so he worked at the local mcdonalds,like where rdgrnr goes,after his movies.
He should have waited for Romney to get in in January.
There'll be jobs again after that.
yes,at war he could be an officer!
The conspirators for President Obama even went so far that they used an Al Gore invented Time Machine to go back in time to 1961 and plant his birth notices in the Honolulu,Hawaii Newspapers!
Shame on them!
Rush will b e gone Not Long after President Obama,s re-election to 4 MORE YEARS!4 MORE YEARS!
That's why he started his Tea for Tea Baggers company.
His corporate owners aren't going to keep paying him 50 million a year to continue to help elect more Democrats than Republicans like he's doing this year.
Especially when the President will still be black for 4 MORE YEARS while keeping the U.S.Senate and gaining back the U.S. House for the democrats.
Without Rush.Hannity,Beck and the rest of the hate radio nazi fanatics spewing their bile 24/7 the Democrats would have a harder time beating back the Republican trash talking Liars.
America owes them a debt of gratitude.
Before their existence America WAS a better place for all.
After they are gone America will once again be a BETTER place for all.
Maybe they should have used the time machine to go back and get him a new social security card that isn't registered to a dead guy in Connecticut while they were at it.
Big government IS the problem when they provide lazy people a good living with the only requirement being to have babies without a spouse and then they give pay raises for each extra baby you have from your one-night-stands. And all they demand in return is your vote. Just don't have a father figure for the children. If that doesn't destroy the family unit and create generations of miscreants and criminals, nothing will.
evidently,rdgrnr doesn't know who his father was,and now is taking it out on us!
Speaking of miscreants...
rdgrnr knows who his daddy is alright.
His daddy Just Will Not claim him!Hmmm!
I didn't know that the ridge runner had access to the Presidents Social security Card?
He must have his birth certificate too?
No wonder they can't find it!

Ridge! it's time you and your Klan stop the "Dog Whistle" even the people that are not "Dogs" hear you,just need to STOP!!!! We are going nowhere this was our country before your family came here!
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