Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Will Romney do what it takes to capitalize on Obama's weak start?

Obama's weak start?

Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh...

His weak start was so weak he's finished.

He just visited Illinois and Minnesota but he was afraid to stop in Wisconsin cuz he doesn't wanna be connected with the beating the Dems are gonna take there. He knows people in Wisconsin are sick and tired of giving their hard-earned money to union-thugs who live like kings and lazy welfare scammers who live better than they do.

And he knows the recall election will be a preview of what's going to happen to him in November.

All those liberal, union-thug, scuzz buckets taking over and disrespecting and defacing the state capitol building because they didn't get their way and having it broadcast on tv was the best thing in the world to motivate Republicans to come out and vote. I know it motivated me. It even motivated me to never, ever again buy a union-made product if I can help it.

They sure know how to make people dislike them.

Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh...
romney already showed what he could do in massachuesetts.his own state will not even vote for him in november,ha ha ha,heee,hee,heeeeeee!
Scorpio, Mass. gave us Michael Dukakis and the Kennedy's and John (Horse Face) Kerry and Barney Frank.

It's a badge of honor to have those idiots be against you.
all winners,unlike romney.
Ridge, sometime you sound so crazy with word like "I will not ever, ever buy union made products if I can help it" phase. The union help people live a decent life where they can help their kids have a good education and have a better life than they had.What with this anti American products,whether it's union or not,it's still made in American keep the economy going. What! with you wanting to buy other country rather than Union products. Shame on you. You people hate too hard!
I'm tired of the strongarm tactics used by union-thugs, Louise. That state house takeover in Wisconsin and the violence and filth and crime perpetrated by the Occupy Movement a-holes was the last straw for me. Liberals have always bought Japanese cars from day one, so what's the big deal? I've never bought one. I've always bought Chevies and a couple Fords too, but no more. Those bast*rds won't get another nickle out of me ever. Let their liberal friends start buying American cars and support their big fat pensions now. I'm through.
rdgrnr NEVER bought American made products anyway.
It,s obvious that he,rabies infected MADDOG10,sully16.JAP69
are all big supporters of Communist Red China,Viet Nam,Saudi
Arabia who paid for the attacks on America of 9/11/01.
I think the LBBS should form a troll union if they haven't already. Here you go: Don't smell the troll dung? Then it doesn't have the LBBS union label!!!!
In case you're wondering.
iit's called democracy,if the majority aren't satisfied with being hoodwinked,cheated,then they rise up and revolt.
No troll#4 it isn't a "democracy" it is a "representative republic".

Troll#4 you should take 10 minutes and learn something by highlighting that link copying/pasting to your browser and "listen" with your large troll ears and learn something.
Good video, jarasan.
As usual though, I hear crickets in place of a response from the numbnuts brothers.
Large ears, tiny numbnutz, for sure crickets, not even a troll mouse in the house.
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