Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Friday, May 25, 2012


The Hype Is Gone' At site of Democratic convention hurting blacks are less fired up about Obama

The CBC was on his tail about the topics mentioned here. Quite a snit for a couple days until he had a meeting with them.
Just this past week his campaign team had to pull democrats back in line on their statements.
I understand Debbie got some heat over the ruckus.
My heart goes out to anyone who has lost their job because of this economy, regardless whether your Democrat or Republican.
The Obama admin isn't telling the folks the truth though. It hasn't been good four 3 1/2 years and it's not going to improve because this admin isn't doing the job they tell everyone they're doing. They have main stream media in a stranglehold by telling everyone the unemployment is getting better by showing them it's now 8.5%, but failing to say it's much , much worse because of the folks who have lost all their benefits and are no longer getting assistance, but they are covering every thing up because if people knew how really bad this economy really is because of Obama and his admin they would turn the other way.
People are people and not by color, but by heart and soul. If you're going to canvass one community, go to the other side as well and Man-up...!
yeah,after the war in iraq stopped the jobs really stopped in usa too,the military support seems very high in the south draining taxpayers.
Scorpio, you are right as usual, what do they know their on the outside looking in.Besides the unemployed in the White community is 6% and in the Black community is something like 20% which has alway got Pneumoia when others got a cold.Go figure!!!
Someone pull your chain weezy? where didyou come up with those stats? Oh yeah, I forgot Buttercup and Julia are your ace reporters. This isn't a race thing weezy as much as you try to make it.
Your testoserone levels are freeking out again weez. Back up your last statement about 6% vs 20% . Have you added all the people who no longer can get the benefits your Jr.Senator cut off? Come on I'm waiting on your documentation on this matter..!
Right as usual. ? you three could do stand down comedy as the three stooges. Perfect together.
Mastercard moment: Clueless..!
Louis & black your writing style changed again, you get some fresh new crack????????? Scorpulus change your bong water.
A lot of Blacks won't get fooled again.
Obama's living like a King and golfing with his fatcat honky friends while a brother can't pay the rent or feed his kids.
Cryin' shame.
mad doggy,it's probably past your guys are hyptnotized by that faschist fox station i'll bet.
The only thing I'm hyptnotized is your intelligent way of thinking Julia. that's the station that you always said was your favorite Julia. Wait a second, you can afford cable Harriet, wow barry must pay you well when he comes to see you huh?
madd doggie ,you need to stop! the personal attack and the no one would be attacking you ,you do know we live in the 21st century. We will not go quietly into the lynching mob.
Oh weezy you flatter me with your comments. no attacks weezy just my personal opinions, and if you don't like it write to Barry and complain.
Or maybe a dose of your own medicine ( STFU ), sound familiar weezy.
White - Black - Green or Pink - WE are ALL in the same boat!    Our Government let Big Business run this country into the ground without any brakes. The peeps with money run this country, they put in office who THEY want, they have laws passed to protect THEIR interests.

Giving Big Business a TAX BREAK to send OUR JOBS overseas was a wake up call and no one woke up to the damage it would cause.

NOW that the damage is done and everyone is losing their jobs, homes, savings, pensions and having to work when we were suppose to have a nice retirement the public wakens?   

SUPPORT those that are protesting against Wall Street, they are trying to turn back some of the damage that was done to us, they want answers, they want laws to protect us, they want ACTION!

I have been saying for three years that we are in a depression, NOW the "experts'' are saying the exact same thing?   Without a jobs program to help those that are out of work, we will be not a third world country as we are now, but we could lose more than anyone can imagine.
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