Truesee's Daily Wonder

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Four More Years? If you think the first Obama term has been bad just wait

what do you mean you war mongers.we stopped wars,osama bin laden,what more do you want from this 1/2 whiteman!

I wish I didn't have to spend so much time correcting you, scorpio.
Bush set the date for ending the Iraq war and it was Bush's policies and directives that got Bin Laden.
And what does Obama's race have to do with ANYTHING?
i figure it would be so on the first full moon on a tuesday of the month,if there was a meteorite shower the night before.
Republicans and COnservatives only hate the black part of the President.
rdgrnr The Dumbed Down One
Bush spent over 7 years looking for bin Laden after saying he would get him dead or alive.Bush REALLY didn't want to kill his former business partner.
President Obama got him in less than 3 years.bin laden WASN'T HIS former business partner.
Bush set the date for ending combat in Iraq but when President Obama was following through on the date set The Reepublicans in Congress fought him tooth and nail.
Bob , Did you eat paint chips as a child ?
Scorpio, if Bob tells you to play in traffic, don't do it.
“There can be no doubt that Obama is a socialist in the European reform-Marxism tradition. In France, Obama would be the candidate of the French socialist party. In Spain, he would be at home in the Socialist Worker’s Party. In Germany, Obama would be torn between the Social Democrats and Die Linke. In “Old Europe,” the welfare state is well entrenched. Elections are about tinkering at the margin. The United States has still to decide whether it wants the European welfare state or not. Obama does. Romney does not.” Paul Roderick Gregory, Forbes 5/28
but maddydog,it's what the majority of the american people want,and you'll have to live with it for four more years.why do you think fox news,etc. are saying,oh how close a race it's because they only take polls in the wealthiest neighborhoods,not in the 99ers,and ghettos of newark,see.
Scorpio, you honestly think the American people want socialism?
Man, are you in for a surprise this November.
You might as well move to North Korea if you really want it that bad.
Scorpio, I got a news flash for you, those of us, in our 50's and 60's, most of our stuff is paid for, many of us are on board for yanking our 401ks and retiring, we have figured out how to survive without handouts,
Now you got to figure, anyone taking my job, isn't going to start off at my wage, that means less tax revenue.
Chances are anyone who wants my husbands job, won't come close either.

Are you so foolish you don't know, many of us have a plan,
Thats just a tidbit, the rest of the cat will stay in the bag,
Something to ponder, how much do those working, 40-50 and 60 somethings make and pay in tax.
We really don't have anything to worry about, Romney will win by a land slide.
    If you're a socialist and it's by your preference so be it. Your leader is a socialist and he's trying to make everyone else a socialist along with him.
    It isn't going to happen to me or the vast majority of American people period.
    If he's so great how come this economy and everything else is in shambles, and that he's NOT done anything to get all of us out of the recession for the Past 3 1/2 years. ?
Bush hasn't been in the picture for 3 1/2 years but you and your leader still blame him for what's happening TODAY, when your leader can't even own up and say he's failed. He has to rely on putting the blame on someone else.   Right...?
i'm an independant as i've stated,but obviously you have short memories,as the republican congress has stopped obama on everything he's tried,as it would make him look good.but the educated 99ers are too smart and see this,so they will reelect obama.did you watch the news tonight when obama said he was in college when bob dylans changes they are a coming was popular.sully we don't worry about your income,but the wealthy americans who don't pay any.
Scorpio, the wealthy pay the most, what don't you get.
And, I am not talking about just me and my husband, lots of middle class folks, will be banding together, If you were an Independant, you would know the rich pay the most.
the fact you say we don't worry, tells me your 100 percent lib.
also, why are you worried about someone elses income anyway, what free thing do you think your going to get if the wealthy are taxed more.
What you need to worry about, is the rising tax on your pension.
And, if you think for one minute, your medicine, is going to be magically paid for by uncle bama, guess again.

They are not going to pour thousands of dollars into someone you is very old and very ill.

Don't believe me, go visit any Reservation and ask about the great government healthcare, IT SUCKS.

It does very from REZ TO REZ , Don't know why.
sully are you living in a teepee,maybe we should be discussing wampum.i get my healthcare from the va,a very good institution that does research for civilian colleges,etc.there are a lot more 99ers paying more taxes as their numbers far outweigh the few 1%ers.on internet today it said 1 out of 1089 wealthy pay any tax at all.
WRONG, The top 1 percent, pays more than all of us combined.
Are there tax cheats, sure...they need to be dealt with.
Half this country, does NOT pay tax at all.
You math is screwed up.
How much is your pension taxed?
How much more do you want taken away from you, before enough is enough?
No Scorpio,
    You are the one with the short term memory. obama had a democratic Senate and Congress for his first two years. Now what do you think he did for the first two years? Oh, that's right he was taking vacations and playing golf and trying to get the Olympics to Chicago, and not giving a rats A$$ about the economy.
Just because you're an Independent doesn't mean you aren't a socialist.
Scorpio, we know Bungle, is downsizing our military, how are you going to feel if he cuts benefits from the VA
All I hear is crickets, so what little amount you pay in tax, you get back at the end of the year, yet, your going to cry about what someone, else is or isn't paying.
Wow, you pay next to none, yet you want to make sure someone else pays more.
Ponder this, if the government were more responsible with their outrageous spending, maybe they wouldn't need so much of our money to begin with.

and romney is about as anti women as one can be,what kind of woman would support that.
Scorpio, check this out:
The top 10% pay 70% of the taxes.
The top 25% pay 87% of the taxes.
What percent should the rich pay to "pay their fair share"?
While you pay nothing at all.
i hardly believe anybody on this blog is wealthy,as this is the way to lose money.the 1%ers are not on this blog.
Oh Mr.Romney is anti-woman huh? If it was so it
wouldn't compare to your Gay in limbo Leader Astro.

where you been maddydog,it's been on the talk shows for weeks.
WTF What the females? Got to do with this? Scorpio get off the bong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the leftist fascists get another four years it don't matter what your package is, how much you have, get or make, you are screwed.
i just don't see how mad doggy can compare obamas support of gays who have rights like everyone to someone who denys women their rights,it's so awful.
I am woman, I am Chippewa Indian, The only person I see trying to take my rights," MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AWAY", HMMMM, Seems to be bamma,
This statement that scorpio made demonstrates why democracy is horrid, and why the US is a Republic. He talks about how the "rich aren't here" so we should steal from them.

Because their are less of them. So we should take away their rights.

Scorpio, isn't that DISCRIMINATION?
Who the f**k you think made the 1% rich it sure in the hell wasn't them, it took money from the 99%ers and for some like old dick face Dick Cheney it was the taxes payers money.Yeh, unfortunately we have Republican Da*n Governor and he has started to tax pension and dividends on 401k and gave it to big business.He toast on the next election cycle.
I'm sorry I only speak English. If you'd like to correct your grammar I might be able to respond, but I just cannot understand what you're attempting to say.

I happen to know quite a few millionaires. Every single one I know personally either worked their ass off whole lives, and the younger ones still do. My boss, for example, works around 115-130 hours a week. And he's only worth 1 million dollars, minus the loans he has to continue to pay until he can actually start making lots of money.

But I'll tell you after about a decade of working about 120 hours a week, I think he does deserve to be in the top 1% of income earners. Because he's built his two businesses through his own HARD WORK and has employed plenty of people who really badly needed the extra money.

If you want to talk about getting rid of loopholes, subsidies and other things that benefit very few people (probably closer to .01% of the population), everyone's with you. But if you want to unfairly lump in every wealthy individual with them, you're being IGNORANT AS HELL.
Don't flatter yourself ,Boney you're ignorant as hell if you think I am one of your ignoramus.One thing I understand is Economics.
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