Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Those born on September 2nd

     Those born on September 2nd are not big on frills. They hate phoniness and despise all forms of affectation. Rarely will they make excuses for their work or behavior. They also have little time for robbing analytic explanations of their motives, referring to let their actions speak for themselves. September 2 people just want to get on with the job, and indeed become workaholics.

     Most September 2nd people present an unassuming exterior, and do not go out of their way to draw attention to themselves. If blessed with moderate talents, they generally choose a tried and true career path with a low risk factor. The more unusual people born on this day may seek some degree of danger and excitement, but usually prefer to generate it themselves rather than just go along for the ride.

     September 2nd people are usually good at handling money and finances, particularly their own, even if they don’t have that much to manage. Materially oriented, many September 2nd are strongly physical types. They are attuned to the usefulness and beauty of objects and materials, recognizing their value and handling them accordingly. In matters of love, September 2 people can be pretty particular about what they want, and choose to settle for nothing rather than compromise their expectations. To say they are rather demanding of mates and lovers may well be an understatement.

   Those born on the 2nd of the month are ruled by the number 2. Number 2 people make good co-workers and partners, rather than leaders, and this influence may aid September 2 people in adjusting jobs or relationships. However, it may also act as a brake on individual initiative and action, producing frustration.

Advice: Learn to balance your feelings. Do not be satisfied with second best. If you believe you can do it, get on with it. However, allow for inspiration- don’t just work for work’s sake. Share affections with others.

Strengths Fair, honest and unpretentious.

Weaknesses: Unyielding, moody and explosive.

Born On This Day: Jimmy Connor, Terry Bradshaw, Eric Dickerson, Chista McAullie, and John Thomson.

This Day in History: First ATM opens for business

On this day in 1969, America's first automatic teller machine (ATM) makes its public debut, dispensing cash to customers at Chemical Bank in Rockville Center, New York. ATMs went on to revolutionize the banking industry, eliminating the need to visit a bank to conduct basic financial transactions. By the 1980s, these money machines had become widely popular and handled many of the functions previously performed by human tellers, such as check deposits and money transfers between accounts. Today, ATMs are as indispensable to most people as cell phones and e-mail.

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