Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Those born of September 5th

     Those born of September 5th like to use their active and alert minds to dream up the most imaginative and romantic plans. They are very adept indeed at making such ideal notions real, but unfortunately can be highly unrealistic about their degree of success.  Prone to excessive pride or indulgence, they may lose touch with reality and hence be afflicted with all kinds of maladies whey they least expect them.

     A recurrent theme in the lives of some September 5th people is that of working against themselves in self defeating attempts. Those born on this day can really get caught up in their regal egos and bury themselves in what they are doing.  Consequently they may not only lose sight of what others think of them but also what is actually going on in their heart and subconscious.

    September 5th people are capable of wonderful fantasies of all sorts. Although their personal lives may appear quite ordinary to some, what they surround themselves with, their creations or acquisitions are often amazing. They can feel like a king or queen in a fairytale palace. This magical world they create can hold the deepest meaning for them, unfortunately, their personal human values can get lost in the shuffle.

     Those born on the 5th of the month are ruled by the number 5 and are quick thinkers. Those born on this day are likely to overreact mentally and to change their minds and physical surroundings with great regularity. The hard knocks that those ruled by the number 5 receive from life traditionally have little lasting effect on them, they recover quickly.

Advice:  Without losing your romantic sparkle, keep a firm grip on reality. Get to know yourself better, and like yourself more.

Strengths:   Imaginative, romantic and fun

Weaknesses:  Self destructive, unaware and excessive

Born on This Day:   Louis XIV, John Cage, Raquel Welch and Joan Kennedy

This Day In History 1972:   Israeli athletes killed at Munich Olympics

On this day in 1972, at the Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany, a group of Palestinian terrorists storms the Olympic Village apartment of the Israeli athletes, killing two and taking nine others hostage. The terrorists, known as Black September, demanded that Israel release over 230 Arab prisoners being held in Israeli jails and two German terrorists. In an ensuing shootout at the Munich airport, the nine Israeli hostages were killed along with five terrorists and one West German policeman. Olympic competition was suspended for 24 hours to hold memorial services for the slain athletes.

Great Inventions:   1787 The constitutional clause concerning patents and copyrights was adopted by the constitutional convention in 1787.

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