Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Those born on August 23

This is for entertainment purposes only!


     Those born on August 23 often stand aloof from life, and thus appear to be detracted and cool.  Whether due to disinterest in mundane affairs or preoccupation with their own needs and wants, they can strike others as selfish.  In reality they are not so selfish as self-motivated, thoroughly taken up with their interests and what they wish to accomplish in life.

     Many August 23 people are adept at making money and amassing material possession.  Ultimately, however, it is their need to lead or direct those around them which is more important to them.  Those born on this day tend to be compact, driving, intense personalities completely focused on their goals.  The means they employ to accomplish their ends are most often straightforward and bluntly effective.  Most people who stand in their way back off.

     Technical skills are often granted those born on August 23.  They have a knack for discovering how things work, are often handy around the house and generally bring expertise and a command of their medium to whatever profession they choose. 

     August 23 people have tremendous stores of energy as well as a combative streak, they will rarely back down from confrontation.  Often they see themselves as defenders of the weak or disadvantaged but must not get too enthusiatically involved in such protective behavior.

     Those born on the 23rd of the month are ruled by the number 5 (2+3=5).  Whatever hard knocks or pitfalls those ruled by the number 5 encounter in life, they usually recover quickly.  The number 23 is associated with happening, and for August 23 peole this emphasizes their attraction to exciting people and experiences.


Advice: Try to stay sensitive to the feelings of others but, more importantly, get in touch with your own needs on a deeper level. 

Born on This Day:  Gene Kelly, Louis XVI, Shelly Long, and Sonny Jurgensen

Strengths: Intense, poised and technical

Weaknesses: Self-involved, detached and emotionally blocked

This Day In History:  Aug 23, 1902

Fannie Farmer opens cooking school

     On this day in 1902, pioneering cookbook author Fannie Farmer, who changed the way Americans prepare food by advocating the use of standardized measurements in recipes, opens Miss Farmer's School of Cookery in Boston. In addition to teaching women about cooking, Farmer later educated medical professionals about the importance of proper nutrition for the sick.

Famous Inventions on This Day:

1977 The name Cincinnati Bengals was trademark registered.
1904 The automobile tire chain was patented.

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