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Sunday, May 2, 2010


How the Democrats got their groove back

How the Dems got their groove back

A.B. Stoddard
The Hill
04/30/10 01:20 PM ET

After spending an entire year on healthcare reform, it appears congressional Democrats, sinking in the polls, have now decided to push on regulatory reform, revisit oversight of regulations for the mining and oil drilling industries and pass energy reform and — yes — an immigration overhaul as well. This is the definition of bring it on. Senate Democrats, in response to the new Arizona immigration law that has sparked criticism from both parties, introduced an immigration bill yesterday designed to attract bipartisan support. It makes securing the border the first priority, to be followed by the registration of illegal immigrants, who would pay back taxes and be put on a path to citizenship if they lack criminal records. The bill also calls for Social Security identity cards, which proponents say would stem the tide of future illegal immigration by holding businesses accountable.
"We'll only succeed in dramatically reducing future illegal immigration by creating an employment verification system that holds employers accountable for knowingly hiring illegal workers," said Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). Schumer co-sponsored the bill with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who has now dropped out of the debate, claiming Democrats' political maneuvers on the issue have poisoned the well.
Some liberals are alarmed  that Democrats have included an identification card, but Schumer and the leadership point out that many of their proposals are GOP ideas included in past bills such as the one sponsored by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). 
McCain is finding the sudden return of the immigration debate awfully uncomfortable as he struggles to fend off a primary challenge from former Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-Ariz.), a strong foe of comprehensive immigration reform. This debate will also be difficult for many conservative and centrist Democrats struggling in tough reelection campaigns, which is why I am quite surprised to see it front and center.

The republicans better get an education on using slick terms and phrases to make the dems look bad. Everytime a republican says or does something the dems have something slick to say.
The republicans better hire a good P R firm.
pay back back taxes a$$ it's called 15 million new votes for their party.
The point is the republicans in office or running for office better be schooled in rebutal. Sit there like a fool when they are shot at.
Have read the number is closer to 30 million illegals here. Lots of gratuitous votes for handouts.

Just more donkey 'biscuits' in a very long trail of manure.
No point in rebutting when they're in on the deception ... amnesty by any other name such as immigration reform is amnesty. Government may get paid by them but we don't get our taxes reduced commensurately when it was our taxes the government doled out to provide them benefits in the first place.
They broke our laws when they entered our country illegally, to reward them with citizenship is beyond my comprehension, IT'S TIME TO START A RECALL, LETS USE THEIR OWN TACTICS AGAINST THEM. They will never collect a dime in back taxes from these people, theres no way to know how much thet owe or even how long they have been here. Thats going to be the platform they use to fool the uninformed and dimwitted to go along with their silly charade.
sully - agree with you.
Funny to see the title of this post. The only groove I have ever seen is a deception of who they are and what their agenda is. They run as centrists and the push socialism when they get elected. And that groove is back? Go for it, we're all wise to it now.
The only "groove" should be for the Republican party to run their a$$ses out of office on the same rail they came in on in November, and learn how to swing back when they are swung at. These so called people who voted for these dummies ought to look at where this mess actually started during the "Under the desk Clinton admin" instead of blaming the "Bush" Admin, The pirates in this Administration have got everyone blaming one another for this. Thieves in sheeps clothing have taken your money and given it to bigger thieves while laughing and smiling at you...!
When are these people going to stop seeing this countries problems through Rose colored glasses..???
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