Lottery Post Journal

Subscribing to Apple Music will delete your files

It looks like this rarely-reported fact is finally getting some mainstream attention.  Check out the article (link below) by a composer who writes that when he subscribed to Apple Music, the service systematically deleted the 122GB of music on his computer — including music he composed himself and rare recordings of various songs.

Apple seems to get a pass on these things in the media, which for some reason is infatuated with the company.  Any other company would be excoriated for doing stuff like this.

I never have, and never will, subscribe to Apple services for reasons like this.  I do not even enable iCloud, other than for backing up my phone.

Microsoft's OneDrive music service and Groove music pass are much better, IMHO.  If you have your own music library, you just copy the music into your OneDrive Music folder (which retains the original files on your PC) and then the service lets you stream that music on any device, including iPhone and Android phones.  That's a free feature of OneDrive + the Groove app, which is pretty incredible.  If you optionally purchase the Groove music pass service you can also stream any music (not just music you own) to any device.


  • Al Gore likes Apple! He got to load up on Apple stock really, really cheap.

    Maybe that 122GB of music was causing global warming?

    By Think, at 2:46 PM

  • Thanks for the warning Todd!

    By Drenick1, at 4:09 PM

  • Holy bat snot! I literally almost joined that the other day! Thanks for that heads up.

    By stpahd, at 10:12 PM

  • Got cha'!!!!!!!

    By WANNA-WIN, at 6:02 AM

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