Thursday, March 25, 2021

Here's a better idea.

Less than a month ago, the US bombed Syria, now a Syrian immigrant shoots up a grocery store.

Why is the news ignoring this?


At 12:50 PM, jarasan said...

Because they tools. They are also ignoring that he violently assaulted a fellow student in High School and surrely due to political correctness was not charged. If he had been charged it would have been another flag against the purchase, but then again this Syrian was known to fbi, probably would've been ignored also. F'ing Bureau of Idiots.

At 7:57 PM, eddessaknight said...

Perhaps he is just another mole?

Family says he has shown past erratic Beauvoir,; if true, why wasn't he given professional analysis and treatment?

At 2:26 PM, Coin Toss said...

Good post sully.

The Boulder police chief says 'no known motive', I think you know a lot more than him and the media.

At 2:58 PM, sully16 said...

Thank you all, Occum's Razor.

At 7:20 PM, MADDOG10 said...

They cover for the IDIOT in the WH. They're trying to help him with his BS agenda.
Question:) why wasn't a background check done on him? Red flag, even a naturalized citizen
is enough to raise eyebrows, buying a weapon.

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