Name: Pick3master3838

Friday, October 6, 2023

Irresponsible Republicans


noise-gate said...

* They only want to work for the American people when a Republican is President. Remember how they were facing over each other to get into Trump's good graces. Pass this, pass that.

* Tax cut in the trillions? No problem Mr President,  border wall money- no problem, banning Muslims getting into the country,  NP,  ripping up the Iran Nuke Accord, NP. Then we saw how they coalesced in attempting to keep him in power- screw their oath to the Constitution.

* Fast forward to 2023: All these F's have done is " investigations into Hunter Biden"  & the ridiculous " weaponization of the justice dept" whatever the F that means. Funny how the justice Dept worked real well under the Orangutan, but when he attempted to use them as his henchmen to investigate the election BS, & no sooner did he lose- they garbage.

* None of them have what it takes to govern, they want to pick up paychecks for doing nothing. Just take the blame they pushing on the Dems for not " supporting Kevin." Hello, where were the Republicans supporting Kevin? As the old saying goes" you made your bed, now lay on it."

11:58 AM

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