Best SB ever
I'd say that ranked as the best Super Bowl game ever. Amazing! Congrats to the Patriots, especially Tom Brady. I think he settled who is the best QB of all time.
I'd say that ranked as the best Super Bowl game ever. Amazing! Congrats to the Patriots, especially Tom Brady. I think he settled who is the best QB of all time.
Amazing, what a comeback!
By jarasan, at 11:08 PM
You know what else was great? The National Anthem. Wonderful, moving rendition by Luke Bryan!
By Todd, at 11:18 PM
Mew England was a 3 point favorite, I wonder how many people ripped their tickets up early on.
The O/U was 58.
Nail biter.
By Coin Toss, at 12:26 AM
Glad I doubled down on the Pats, but you never know until the Fat Lady Sings for Tom Brady :-)
By eddessaknight, at 3:51 AM
A Patriot won the biggest contest of the year...and Tom Brady is Trump's friend.
Sheesh, I haven't seen such a blown lead since Hillary's campaign.
By mikeintexas, at 2:09 PM
mikeintexas, isn't it sad that the game was politicized by so many people? I just thought it was a great game... because it was a great game. All props to Lady Gaga, who showed it is possible to live life and perform without the need to turn everything into a political contest -- either pro- or anti-Trump.
By Todd, at 2:26 PM
Yeah, it was sad. My comments weren't meant to make it political, they were just comments I saw on Facebook earlier. The game didn't turn out how I wanted, but it WAS a great game, exciting.
I did see something about a proposed Budweiser boycott b/c of their "immigration ad", but have seen dozens of comments today from conservatives and Republicans saying they thought it great. I watched halftime because I figured Lady Gaga would do or say something, but I'm glad she didn't. She was professional w/ her performance and I appreciated that. And yes, I wouldn't have enjoyed it being a Trump love-fest, either. I watch sports to escape from things like that, don't want to see halftime singers making political statements or Bob Costas lecturing me on gun control.
Not just political, but racial as well. I saw a stitched graphic of Tweets saying that the Pats were a "white supremacist team" and other nonsense, many referring to Trump and his friendship w/ Brady. That is ridiculous.
By mikeintexas, at 3:13 PM
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