Lottery Post Journal

Important: Everyone using SmileyCentral should read this

I have noticed a lot of "extraneous" activity in the LP server's logs, so I did some investigation.  It turns out that a lot of traffic is coming through with designation of "FunWebProducts" in the browser User Agent string.  Well, doing some further investigation on that string turned up some interesting information.

I know that a lot of people are using a service called "Smiley Central", which allows them to insert smileys into messages and e-mails.  That service uses software that hooks into your Internet Browser.  There is another similar product calles My Web Search, which also connects to your browser.

As great as that is, nothing is free, and it turns out that people who are using that service are installing spy-ware on their computers.  Your business is your own, but you may want to consider using all possible means to get rid of it ASAP.

Here's an article that talks about the issue:

Here's some other relevant links:


  • thanks todd, i've been wondering why my computor has been acting very sluggish of lately, going to remove it after this...

    By MADDOG10, at 3:38 PM

  • thanks Todd and comet cursor and shockwave and a whole lot of other stuff you get for free does these type of things. When i ran my first spyware scan i found about 6 of these types of files.

    By four4me, at 3:42 PM

  • Four4me:

    Shockwave is OK, as is Flash. Both are made by Macromedia, and are good to have installed. Comet Cursor is BAAAAAD!!


    By Todd, at 3:44 PM

  • thanks todd, what a difference in start-up and performance.. thanks again for the info...

    By MADDOG10, at 5:12 PM

  • No prob, glad to help!

    By Todd, at 5:32 PM

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