Lottery Post Journal

Smoker Ignites Portable Toilet Explosion

Jul 15, 7:25 AM (ET)

BLACKSVILLE, W.Va. (AP) - Warning: smoking in the toilet can be dangerous. A portable toilet exploded Tuesday after a man who was inside it lit a cigarette.

Emergency workers said the man was not severely injured and drove himself to Clay-Battelle Community Health Center. He was later transferred to Ruby Memorial Hospital. His name and condition were not available Wednesday.

The explosion, which occurred in Blacksville, resulted from a buildup of methane gas inside the portable toilet. The methane did not "take too kindly" to the lit cigarette, said a spokeswoman for Monongalia Emergency Medical Services.


  • Gives new meaning to cigarettes can be hazardous to your health. Wonder will he give up smoking now?

    By Jani Norman, at 2:39 PM

  • We have those on every jobsite and they can get ripe very quickly in the hot sun. I went in one one time to use it on a hot day and had to hold the door open for fresh air. They do try to have them cleaned more often during the hot weather. When the truck comes to pump out you can smell it a block away. Really frustrating when they pop in at lunchtime.
    I better watch my smoking in them from now on.

    By JAP69, at 5:32 PM

  • Boom..! That's something that's .. wow x.x;

    By Mana, at 8:21 PM

  • Wow Todd--that's some sh*t there!!! LOL

    By Winner2Be, at 8:38 PM

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