Lottery Post Journal

Behind-the-scenes improvements

Lots of stuff going on behind the scenes at Lottery Post.

I've finally finished loading all the results history for all the games, plus the jackpot history.  Both histories go back at least a couple of years - the results go back to the mid- to late-90's.

Although you won't notice the change, I have upgraded the menus to support better popup control.  You can see an example of this on the new Lottery Jackpots page.  Clicking the game brings up a context menu that currently brings you to the Jackpot History page for that game. 

There are lots of other areas I'm going to start coding context menus.  Lottery Post has gained so many new features that it has become important to implement the menus.

Next on the to-do list is the comprehensive prediction stats, so that people can see how they have done (and see how others have done).  Should be interesting.

Also, still working on Gold and Platinum memberships!


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