Name: Pick3master3838

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Pact act for veterans has passed despite 11 Republicans voting against it

So sad that Republicans are pro-life, but they don't give a Hoot about veterans. They don't give a crap about anybody but themselves and their cohorts. Thank you Democrats and Jon Stewart for pushing this. And shame on you republicans!


noise-gate said...

* Hypocrites. None of these fools will comment on it because it�s not about : The election was rigged or some other BS involving 45, or shaming Biden.

*�They couldn�t � find��the money at first but seeing it�s midterm election season, they suddenly cared.

10:34 AM
Stack47 said...

Speaking of "pro-life", the solid red state Kansas voted to continue their "pro-choice" laws.

10:41 AM
rdgrnr said...

The objections were based on which part of the budget would pay for it. They were all for it. They just wanted to do it the best way possible.

And you have no grounds to say anything about this anyway, Numbnutz. You were never in the service and have never served this country in any other way ever since you came here. So STFU.

10:42 AM
rdgrnr said...

You've never served either since you came to this country Stinky, so you can STFU too.

10:43 AM
sully16 said...

Should read the article, had nothing to do with not wanting to help Vets, but how it was to be paid for, this is how Dems create slush funds for things other then what they are intended.
Guarantee they will run out of money for vets because they stole it like they always do.

11:05 AM
Pick3master3838 said...

That is simply untrue Sully, the bill was already agreed upon by both parties 84-14 just a few weeks ago, but when the Republicans realized that the climate change bill was about to be passed, they took Revenge on the veterans, and 30 Republicans decided they were against the vote for the pact Act just a few weeks after they agreed to it. If it was for slush funds, how come they agreed to it a few weeks before, and change their minds all of a sudden? Give me a break with these garbage arguments that you and others keep bringing up.

1:07 PM
noise-gate said...

* You guys are still sore that your guy lost, just admit it Bhagwan. Yes, l was not born here but my Father is a Marine you stupid F. Trump didn�t serve either, so what�s your point?

*Where did you serve toady, cause if you did, you would have been the first to go along with anything that supports your band of brothers but no, all you interested in is Bogus claims of � rigged elections & Sh**.

* Btw: l support America by Obeying Rules of this country, which includes accepting reality when a candidate LOSES. Never been on welfare or food stamps either, wish one could say the same for you. Moving out of the city to up in the hills where you shoot & grow your own food you idiot.

* Where did you SERVE your time the past 7 years is a question l am dying to hear you answer. I know it was not Shawshank.

1:23 PM
Pick3master3838 said...

It was a separate bill that Democrats wanted to pass about climate change and other things, so it was Revenge by republicans, stop making excuses. The separate bill was on the verge of being passed and they didn't like it, stop making excuses.

1:29 PM
noise-gate said...

* By the way F your suggestion about the � Budget � Bhagwan & Trout mouth. When 45 ran up the deficit in 4 years to heights never seen before- where the F was your concern?

* You guys are hopeless, helpless toddlers that live in a bubble. You becoming more & 45 who sees things in his world only.

*Why did 45 not use those millions of dollars you idiots gave him to � fight� against fraud etc to � bail out the Capitol Hill storm troopers � answer that minions.

1:30 PM
rdgrnr said...

I don't tell you how to run your country Numbnutz, so don't tell me anything about mine.
If you don't like the way we live here, GTFO.
Your country is a sh!thole because of people like you and your stupid-ass ideas, don't bring your stupid-ass ideas here, we don't need 'em.
Just STFU.

4:55 PM
noise-gate said...

* Your country? You F insane!

*Your ancestors came over on a F boat you imbecile and found the native Americans here, so this � your country� BS won�t fly here toad. It�s that same kinda thinking � OUR election was stolen BS� is what�s wrong with people like you. If l say the election was stolen- repeat after me � it was stolen .� To that l say get F, but you already experienced that didn�t you while you were locked up.

* Talking about � bringing stupid ass ideas here� your attorney � Rudy G� tried to screw the American people over with innuendo & BS, that�s your guy & you a creature of habit, so in your own words, go back to your original country & pull that sh** there. Storming the seat of Govt is not American you stupid F. By the way your brother in arms Proffit got 7 years for bringing a firearms into the Capitol & you insane F�s are saying it was a peaceful March at the Capitol.

* You should document your lame a** postings, it�s as l mentioned before: You�d be a laughing stock in any debate, why? Cause you suck at it!

5:37 PM
noise-gate said...

* Hey imbecile: Just to let you know, my Father is a Marine & was stationed in Germany where l was born. So your � your county is a s** hole� is not to be taken serious. My Father was born on US soil you close minded F.

5:44 PM
sully16 said...

how did your ancestors get here Weasel ?, skip and stroll,? you're a colonizer and your people stole land and spread diseases to my people, you owe me.

7:09 PM
rdgrnr said...

I thought I told you to STFU!

7:11 PM
rdgrnr said...

Maybe that's where he got all his white supremacist ideas, from the nazis.

7:14 PM
sully16 said...

Makes sense to me, plus he's bad a math . Obama ran 11 trillion in debt the highest of any President.
he's blinded by his own lies.

7:23 PM
rdgrnr said...

Yep, and if his father really is a Marine (which is doubtful) I bet he's really embarrassed that his son turned out to be an Anti-American traitor and baby-killer and worst of all, a Democrat.

7:28 PM
sully16 said...

Born in Germany, wonder if his mom looks like a Panzer.

7:33 PM
noise-gate said...

* You guys still here after all that embarrassment? Figures- your fallen President us trying to remake himself for another shot at the WH. Losers love losers.

11:17 PM
noise-gate said...

*it�s like my Mom would say � you know trailer trash the minute they open their mouths.�

11:54 PM
rdgrnr said...

First you call us "Jungle Monkeys" and now you call us "Trailer Trash."
Which is your favorite racist term?

10:03 AM
sully16 said...

Weasel don't be a racist it's not nice.

2:50 PM
noise-gate said...

* Rule of thumb : we can have a conversation or not, but bringing parents into a discussion because you fail to win or convince others that your argument is baseless, is tacky & low.

*Simply put, you guys are on the wrong side of history when it comes to this last Presidential election, but you persist you right. That is a major flaw in your argument despite what you may say or do.

*I personally would have had no problem 45 winning re election because l knew we would only have to put up with him for 4 years- but the fact is : He lost, and lost because he took the American voters for granted. Instead of accepting defeat like a Real man, he has been on a revenge tour of going after every person he thinks crossed him. He lost the respect of the American people a long time ago & had a Democratic President acted the same way as 45, he would have been told by his own party to pack up his tent & go home, no questions taken.

* That's the difference between a leader who wants what's best for the country & not what's best for him or her.

4:57 PM
sully16 said...

okay, see you got someone else to write for you.

7:27 PM
noise-gate said...

* Ah, no, you disparaged my Mother & l thought � you catch more flies with honey.� At least it worked to a degree, cause it gave you pause. Nevertheless�

11:21 PM
rdgrnr said...

Numbnutz, your mother disparaged poor and underprivileged people who have to live in trailers and you applied her rude and callous nastiness to us. I see where you got your hate streak.

12:18 PM

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