Quick Nickels Pick-3 Saturday, December 19, 2020
Mike’s Computer Picks / Quick Nickels
Saturday, December 19, 2020
321 |
465 |
879 |
120 |
435 |
876 |
091 |
342 |
567 |
980 |
These are the Default Quick Nickel Pick-3 Numbers for the Week of Saturday, December 19, 2020.
The numbers may or may not fall in the exact draw order sequence shown in any particular state game in the coming week. You should, therefore, do YOUR own Work Out to determine hopefully what the exact draw order would be on any given day for the Midday and or evening game draw(s).
Check daily for the numbers as they appear in the Table 3 chart as these are a good indication when the numbers are likely to fall on any given day. You can play those numbers from the Table 3 chart or select a number to play based on YOUR astrological birth sign. Example, if you are a Virgo then you might look to play 231-456 or 897 as your daily pick since they match YOUR astrological birth sigh of Virgo (Root Sum = 6).
We will track the numbers daily and publish the results along with the winners from my regular daily picks.
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