Mike's Computer Picks / Quick Nickels

New York Pick-4 Players Root Sum (7) Series

Thursday, February 16, 2012 you should start to play the Root Sum (7) Series numbers as we are looking for a hit in the New York Win-4 game.

The last hit we had was 1-1-6-8 On Sunday, February 12, 2012 in the evening game.

Please reveiw the Table I and Table II numbers sent to you (Subscribers) the last three (3) days and play those numbers. Again, the numbers may or may not fall in the exact sequence on the list so do your own work outs to determine the exact sequence the number(s) will fall in the state of New York's Win-4 game.

On Thursday, February 16, 2012 I will compile a list of the numbers and do a work out to determine the straight sequence for the numbers and send that out to subscribers (New York) of my service in the afternoon. Any one else wanting a copy of the list will pay the standard work out fee charge, write for more details.

The best of luck to everyone betting the New York Win-4 game.

Thank you.



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