Mike's Computer Picks / Quick Nickels

Pick-3 for Dummies Tuesday 04/05/2011

065 125 324 395 408 434 875 876 909 962

056 152 343 359 480 443 857 867 990 926

560 521 423 593 804 344 578 678 099 269

*** Congratulations to Monday's Winners ***

Illinois: 5-7-6 (Eve) $2, 062.50  Straight + 6-Way Box

Iowa: 5-7-6 (Eve) $2, 062.50  Straight + 6-Way Box

Michigan: 1-0-9 (Eve) $2, 062.50  Straight + 6-Way Box

[Wins based on playing ON=LINE and using MjWIN$mith's Pick-3 System]


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