Mike's Computer Picks / Quick Nickels

Pick-3 for Dummies Wednesday 03/30/2011

194 218 324 397 521 560 615 792 865 869 

149 281 342 379 512 506 651 729 856 896

491 812 423 793 125 065 516 297 568 968

*** Congratulations to Tuesday's Winners ***

Illinois: 1-6-7 (Eve) $2,962.50  Straight + 6-Way Box

Iowa: 1-6-7 (Eve) $2,962.50  Straight + 6-Way Box

Washington: 5-4-0 (Eve) $2,062.50  Straight + 6-Way Box

[Wins based on playing ON-LINE and using MjWIN$mith's Pick-3 System]


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