maddogs hideaway
Welcome to Maddogs hideaway, The poormans predictor. Somedays I just feel like ridin...!
About Me
- Name: MADDOG10
- Location: Beautiful Florida
- Country: United States
- Interests: restoring old cars, winning the lottery, avid football fan, and riding my motorcycles... Both (Harleys)...!!
Exactly, every single swamp is future oil, oil is not made from dinosaurs, it comes from rotting vegetation.
* Quote your source! I read where oil once extracted from a certain area will never have that spot refilled. According to National G- once it's gone, it's gone. It took hundreds of millions of years to form, so do the math, just saying..
Yes, in certain areas NG, but it does regenerate. Do the fact checking yourself!
* Then again, perhaps Sully's take on oil being re plenished was from her recent viewing of " back to the future 3" where the Professor stuffed vegetables & decaying garbage in that energy convertor.
Quote my source E...S..... lol take your own advice , Science, study diotomes in the ocean, swamps turn to coal.
I did jump the gun on that one. Nat, Geo, paid to say.........
Right now right where I am sitting, millions of years ago this was a salt water ocean, how do we know this, because the salt mines that stretch from Michigan to New York, the petosky stones, they are salt water fossils of little creatures. then came the ice age, right where I am sitting, a mile of ice, the ice receded and now we have the great lakes, at some point , from Ohio to New York down through the Virginia's was a giant swamp, now we have coal, and all the while, we had plates creating mountain, volcanoes spewing lava, land was formed. This process doesn't stop.
As far as oil, the diotopes in the ocean sinking and band together, we have thousands of years of oil, the process is continuous, maybe at some point it may catch up to itself, but that will not be in our or even in our great great grand kids day.
Magnetic north moves a little each year, so one side of the ice is melting, but the other side is colder and growing. They want people to believe this is a severe danger, but at the same time they tell you about all the cool stuff they are finding under the melting ice, humans, animals, tools, plants, seed, pollen etc, SPOILER ALERT, the ice was not always there, ta da. think about that.
One day Michigan may be Florida, the we are talking 100's of thousand years. the Equator will be somewhere else as well.
Now ponder this, trees and plants love co2, they gobble it up, yet....the people who want to sell you on the idea that solar and wind power is the way to go, "to prevent global warming", then why cut down the trees?
They want you to believe cow farts will kill us, yet termites cause more methane then everything else all together, why isn't there a fight to eradicate termites? You would think these worry warts would be going door to door to get rid of the little suckers.
As far as Nat Geo, yes they are owned by the same 6 corporations that control, the news, magazines, movies, commercials, radio, all the shows on tv.
It's all about controlling us, scaring us and MONEY. I believe these aholes want the planet to themselves.
And if I have typos , I don't care.
Thanks Sully....I can hardly wait for the naysayers to respond with factual counterpoints.
Thanks CDanaT, maybe our resident Biden Boys can get him to sanction India and China for all the garbage in the Oceans, as most of it comes from those 2 Countries.
TY Sully!
Couldn't have said it better myself Sully! thank you. Can't wait for these puppets to meet their demise.
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