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Name: MADDOG10
Location: Beautiful Florida
Country: United States
Interests: restoring old cars, winning the lottery, avid football fan, and riding my motorcycles... Both (Harleys)...!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Like it or not, immigration treason

Like it or not, immigration treason

Exclusive: Barbara Simpson warns, 'Patriotic Americans don't  want to reward illegals'

author-imageBarbara  Simpson About | Email | Archive 

Barbara Simpson, "The Babe in the Bunker,"  as she's known to her KSFO 560 radio  talk-show audience in San Francisco, has a 20-year radio, TV and newspaper  career in the Bay Area and Los Angeles.

By the time you read this, it may already have been voted upon and settled,  just waiting for the magic signature of the man in the Oval Office – or, in  other words: “The Great Oz” gets what he wants again, and the people be  <snip>ed.

It’s euphemistically called “immigration reform,” but in reality it’s a  massive sell-out of the United States to Third World illegals who have taken  advantage of our laxity, stupidity, liberal racial guilt and the death-wish of  the Democratic Party to gain political power that it hopes will put them in  office forever.

Did you notice when Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said that “we” – meaning the  Republican Party – have to pass comprehensive immigration reform because  that’s “the only way we can get back in the good graces of the Hispanic  community”?

According to him, if the GOP supports the immigration bill, then all those  Hispanics will be their friends and maybe – just maybe – a Republican might just  get elected again.

Sorry, Lindsey, baby – I guess I missed that chapter in my study of  history and the Constitution. Where does it say we have to pander to racial  groups to have the republic function as intended?

And if I may – just what is a “Hispanic” anyway? Is it someone from  Spain, Mexico, Central America, South America, Puerto Rico, parts of the  Caribbean, Cuba, or?

How do we categorize all those Asian, Middle Eastern, African and European  illegals?

Or is a Hispanic just anyone who’s not a WASP?

For those who forgot that racist terminology, it means “white,  Anglo-Saxon Protestant.”

I guess that’s you, Lindsey, even if you have a thick, Southern accent on  demand.

But those who came to this country through Ellis Island in the early days of  the 20th century, those ominous “dark” Italians and others from  Southern Europe, didn’t fit WASP society

Those people were discriminated against because they didn’t speak English.  They looked “different,” sounded different and worshipped that “mysterious”  religion headed by a pope in Rome.

I know what that’s about because I have people like that in my family. I  remember them telling me what it was like, and believe me, it wasn’t nice.

But those people and millions of others who were “different” because of  looks, language and religion came here anyway for a better life. They followed  the rules when it wasn’t easy to get approved by the officials on Ellis  Island.

Once here, they got no special government assistance. They made their way in  the jungle that life can be, no matter who or what you are. In the process, they  became Americans. Not hyphenated citizens, but people who became part of the  country and lived to help make this country the power that it became on so many  levels.

However, over the years, something changed. And, oh my, the descendants of  those people and others today are changing the rules and, in the process,  changing the very nature of our country.

On another level, in the quest over the years to eliminate religion from our  culture, we have also moved to eliminate honestly and respect for law.

How else to explain the apparent acceptance by so many in government, the  media, religion, academia and other groups to ignore the fact that an “illegal  immigrant” is by definition someone who has deliberately ignored and broken our  laws.

They have come into the country illegally, worked here, often using fake  documentation of citizenship, taken advantage of our social welfare system and  gaining food, housing, medical care, education, drivers licenses, jobs,  unemployment funds and so much more.

By definition, they’re entitled to none of that.

Despite that, the elites in government today, threatened by the  aggressiveness and demands of racist immigrant organizations, defend that  outright theft of our resources – money that should be used for the people who  are legal citizens who may be in need.

Despite that, those elite are not only willing, but anxious to forgive the  fact that these people have broken our laws – whether they crossed the border  illegally or overstayed their visas.

Not only will they forgive those illegalities, but they’re eager to reward  them with the most precious gift a country can bestow on anyone: legal  citizenship.

Don’t think it’s just the Republicans who have mush for brains on this  issue.

The man who is president, speaking in the East Room of the White House to an  immigration-friendly group, said clearly, Americans “owe” immigration  reform to illegals with the promise of a pathway to citizenship.

We owe them?

Really, Barack? Really?

For what? What’s the tradeoff for the benefit of the country, or does it  really just boil down to votes and hoping to ensure Democrats get full control  of the country forever?

Oh, and a good dose of assuaging liberal guilt for all the things they  believe this country has done to the detriment of illegals. What they might be  thinking of, I have no idea.

It’s shameful – and in my opinion, treasonous – that so many elected  politicians, from the president on down, want to sell us out.

I just heard Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., on the news say that the new law is a  “pathway to satisfy the demands of the country.”

Wrong, Harry. Patriotic Americans do not want to reward illegals.

Patriotic Americans want the border sealed, illegal immigration stopped and  those who get through returned to their country and employers punished for  hiring them,

In other words, enforce the laws we already have.

We don’t need new ones that cheapen our citizenship and demean our  country.



rdgrnr said...

Say what?
We OWE it to them, Barry?
We don't OWE them anything.
We don't OWE you hundred million dollar vacations either.
When you tell them they're OWED something, speak for yourself and give them what you think YOU owe them.
Cuz you obviously don't speak for the rest of us.

6:29 PM
emilyg said...

I don't owe them sh*t.

7:33 PM
MADDOG10 said...

I don't owe them sh*t either...

8:24 PM
sully16 said...


10:44 PM

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