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Name: MADDOG10
Location: Beautiful Florida
Country: United States
Interests: restoring old cars, winning the lottery, avid football fan, and riding my motorcycles... Both (Harleys)...!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Banning Abortion Is Now, Apparently, Racism

Banning Abortion Is Now, Apparently, Racism

Written By : William Teach
September 1, 2012

It was only a matter of time before some uber-leftist linked abortion (which is apparently the primary focus of the DNC) with raaaaacism. In this case, it’s Brian Fung at the Atlantic

The Quiet Racism of Abortion Bans

Like prohibitions on other goods and services, an abortion ban of the kind national conservatives propose would take a disproportionate toll on those least equipped to adapt, and would advance little but ideology.

As national Republicans in Tampa consider adding have added a ban on abortions as an official plank in their party platform — a proposal whose draft language is so severe, it doesn’t make exceptions for cases of rape or incest — liberal commentators have grown accustomed to speaking of the right’s strict stance on reproductive issues as a war on women. But it might be more accurate to say that it’s really an attack on women of a specific stripe: those from disadvantaged minorities and the poor.

Except, the position does make exceptions for rape and incest. But, hey, Brian (who’ll never have to get an abortion himself) has a narrative! Here’s his conclusion

But whatever you make of those topline numbers, one thing seems certain: an abortion ban would disproportionately affect women from non-white and low-income backgrounds.

Right. You caught us, Brian. That’s exactly what the GOP is attempting to do, to make sure there are more Black, Latino, and other minority children not being aborted so that the country will have more Black, Latino, and other minorities because we hate Blacks, Latinos, and other minorities. I find myself rubbing my forehead after writing that, considering what Liberals feel are their deep policy positions.

If anything, pushing for more abortion on demand is racist. Consider that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger was an avowed racist pushing eugenics to reduce the population of Blacks, other minorities, and “defectives.” She spoke in front of the KKK.

Abortion is also a sexist position of the Democrat Party, as they see to think that this is the main concern of women.


jarasan said...

Twisted, distorted, inconsistent, and dishonest is the demoncRat party of today. They will do and say anything to stay in power without hesitation, like Wasserman Schultz, it is amazing how she keeps a straight face whenever she speaks, she knows she is outright lying yet doesn't even flinch, stone cold liar propagandist.

Thanks MD.

8:16 PM
rdgrnr said...

Abortion is Obama's War on Blacks, War on Women and War on Children.

9:13 PM
emilyg said...


10:43 PM
sully16 said...

The biggest liars on the face of the earth.

10:46 PM

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