Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Sunday, May 21, 2023


Joe Biden's G7 Gaffes

*Next to this, its child'splay..

* ln his first speech after his hospitalization for Covid-19, President Donald Trump stood on a White House balcony on October 10 and made a grand declaration about the coronavirus: �It�s going to disappear. It is disappearing.�
*His proclamations have been wildly inaccurate. When Trump first started making the claim in February, it was about the time the US had just suffered its very first known Covid-19 death. More than 220,000 deaths later, Trump continued to falsely claim that the virus will somehow just go away � even as the US experiences yet another surge in cases and hospitalizations.

* So Yeah... Please.
The subject is about Biden not Trump.
Further down it said A recent poll, conducted by ABC News and The Washington Post, showed more than two-thirds of Americans think Biden is too old to serve a second term.
Are you in the 2/3 or the 1/3 group?

Even further down it said. Another poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research last month found only about half of Democrats think Biden should run again,
Which half are you in? Run or don't run?
* Yes, the poll is about  Biden, but in this case, the kettle is calling the pot black. Ever heard of the saying " people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?" Well Yeah.

* As for " polls" who cares. If you don't like the guy, just don't vote for him, it's simple. I am more interested on someone who's SANE in the WH. I am not comfortable with an narcissist being leader of the free world, a person who thinks that America only became great when he was was in charge. Who does not accept responsibility to a nothing that goes wrong.

* What you guys don't get is that Trump was rejected by the voters in 2020, and voters  don't see any reason to put him back in the WH given his behavior since losing. Of course your ilk don't see anything wrong with him carrying on his tantrums because you worship the guy, his a celebrity.

* l am reminded of an episode on Starwars where Vader fights O B wan & Vader says " l see your strength has returned, but your weakness still remains & that is why you will always lose." Those are somewhat direct words from the show..

* Think of those words, think of 45. His mid 70's as well as you guys never bring up his age- why is that?
Noise gate you are 100 % correct!!!
Mainly because Trump still has all his wits, while the clown has lost pretty much all his marbles.
That is why his age doesn't get mentioned. You, I, and pretty much everyone makes gaffes, but not like your clown who does it on a daily basis.
* I am not making excuses for Joe, since he himself said he has or has a strutting problem- that being said, it's " possible " that when he talks at times, it comes off as him being totally off the reservation. However, Joe is schooled in politics foe Decades- you telling me that a complete novice at politics is some the " Greatest President of our Generation?" It's thinking like that which exposes your idiocy.
* Tillersen, 45's  1st SOS said Trump had a limited attention span,needed 3 items to focus on & hated intelligence briefings. He wanted his handlers to read they the material & break it down in language he could better understand. Your comment on him having his " wits about him is a joke." He identified Jean Carroll as Marla, his wife for goodness sake.
* I am saying saying he is an idiot,after all he runs a business- what l do say is he is a complicit when it comes to politics. It showed by his actions when he tried an end run around the Constitution & went off by claiming he won, and still thinks so. He had no business of getting into politics & the voters proved my point by sending him home early* One term.
* Correction:
* l am not saying he is an idiot, after all he rund a business..
* By the way MD, did you hear his message on Mother's day? Tell me that it shows Americans somehow that he has his wits about him?

*The guy is a total disgrace & his supporters are to afraid to call him out on it. Your party has fallen under the spell off a grifter & as l asked: why is age never brought up in 45's case?
Besides the Republican party in Nixon's day would never have tolerated Trump's actions....why does your present party do?
It's mind boggling t h at anyone can back a man with trumps character.  Despicable!
* Right, then we told Joe is Senile, but Trump is not. You have Chuck Grassley who is not far off from 100 years and they sat anything about him cause his a Republican, nothing about Mitch either, who's the same ago as Joe.
* When 45 embarrassed the nation by talking about disinfectant, doctors across the world probably asked " how on earth is this guy the leader of the free world?" Then he wanted to pull the US out of Nato. The guy is a bitter loser & an unhinged narcissist, but hey- they want him in charge of the country once again. Give me a f break!
Trump said covid was a hoax but over a million people died in the US and at a cost of several billion dollars.  Some say over a trillion. So I'd rather have old than stupid and arrogant.
Pelosi is older than Joe. So is Feinstein who clearly is in bad shape. And the dems are trying to push her back in cause they need her vote to push things through.
Pelosi is NOT President. Chuck is older than Pelosi
& his latest BS about Hunter Biden should tell us that his ripe for retirement- but the Codger keeps warming a seat for nothing.
Btw: Pelosi was Speaker of the house & had a pair, something Kevin wished he had. The fool.hD to go through more rounds than Tyson in order to become Speaker.
Again NG doesn't want to answer a simple question about whether he thinks Biden is too old or fit enough. Dodge, dodge, dodge. Just like a politician he can give a 14 paragraph response about 14 different things and never answer the original question.
He didn't even vote for him the last time. But yet he's Biden's biggest fan. Will you vote for him in '24? Yes or no.
* Biden thinks he can do the job so that's his prerogative whether he wants to run for another term or not. Clearly Trump is not fit to serve, despite his bravado in not yawning or thinking he needs help.
* Now if Joe collapsed, l would say he ought to drop out " But you guys are hoping & praying" that happens. Clearly Trump has shown he is not fit to ever serve again. He displayed un Presidential character throughout his tenure in office. America does not need a repeat of his BS.
* Listen up Padawan! If Trump won against Joe, l would have recognized him as Potus, that's good enough for me.  Unlike yourselves, l know we only have to tolerate any President for 8 years. Trump's run was cut short & l did not shed a tear, because l thought & still think he was ill suited for the job. Running a hotel business is not like running the govt  & we found that out real fast. Given the huge responsibility of being President,  this fool had time to watch TV & go off on opponents on Twitter, he also complained about Obama's golfing outings- yet the DH went golfing  while Covid raged on..did l say " No thanks?" Yeah l think l did.
Still haven't answered it. Try again.
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