Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Joe Biden The Favorite For Re-Election Despite Bad Polls. How Come?

Democrats count the votes.
Because he actually gets things done!
It's because the MSM doesn't report any thing bad about Biden whatsoever.  And anyone that does, get censored.  Yahoo news is a perfect example. Make a comment they don't like it and will be rejected, with the reason given being that it goes against community standards, or some members of the community may be offended.
Agree! Anything the left wing news hack don�t like are automatically labeled racist and bigoted. This is the only argument that woke liberals can muster out of what little brain cell they have remaining.
Pickyournose3838- You can�t even wipe your own butt so quit trying to be relevant. May I suggest moving out of mommy�s basement as a start to actually being a productive member of society?
Unlucky moron, who the fuk are you? You're a nobody who voted for a moron that got impeached twice, and indicted, with more serious indictments to come.

Go fuk yourself you turd loving bootlicker. You are a fascist loving Traitor of this country, and deserve to be imprisoned for aiding and abetting to a known criminal asswipe!

You're the typical shill, who are you fooling? Send more money to your billionaire grifter, he has new trading cards for you suckers to buy.

You aren't in the position to tell me when I can be relevant when I choose to be dumbass, you don't like it, too fuking bad, get used to idiot. Who the fuk you think you are you BITCH!?

POS loser rookies trying to school me...fuk off kunt!
Truth is, Democrats can't see out of one eye and are blind in the other!
* All this hysteria because your incompetent leader lost over 2 years ago. Grow up and move on- there has been a burial.
Yes, I agree that there has been a burial, in the election of a leader to run this country. and the new commander-in-chief that currently occupies the White House fits the narrative of Weekend at Bernies, perfectly......Some child on this thread has preoccupied itself with the use of vulgarity, name-calling and other intellectually limited activities. Then again, that IS how the liberal playbook dictates to its followers on how to act. (also see Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals)
Now as far as Trump WAS concerned...YEUP,he lost and he should NEVER have created an environment where he pushed the US into prosperity with record unemployment for ALL races. He should have NEVER pushed the UN to cough up money to protect themselves, He should have NEVER redone NAFTA to benefit the USA, He should have never stood up to Putin or Xi or lil chubby Kim over in N.K.. He definitely shouldn't have made us energy independent because we know that's a huge mistake. Things are so much better with electric and begging the Saudis to produce more oil.   He DEFINITELY shouldn't have established any peace treaties in the middle east, we know that is completely wrong...But most of all, he should have NEVER..EVER tried to have a wall built on the southern border.. (As we are told, walls are racist)...The free flow of illegal immigrants is so much better for us and the illegal drugs just streaming into this country is such a wonderful attribute... YEUP ...No doubt about it, folks.. Trump was a mistake and we should be SO THANKFUL that Joey B is in the White House.... I for one am so grateful that the new mortgage interest rate is hovering around 7+% and that gas prices are back up at $4-5 a gallon. I am exceptionally proud and happy that inflation is at a 40 year high... Nothing gives me more enjoyment than paying 10-20% more for groceries than I did last year... Yes folks, Donald Trump was a rebel, noooo doubt about it. That inflation rate he kept us at during those 4 years was an awful thing to do and probably racist/bigoted.
   Just be thankful for good ole Uncle Joe, I know for one that I am, cause he's done so much for all Americans....
   One more thing and I know my associates on the liberal left can help me out with this, Can you name me the top 6 things he has done for the betterment of this nation, you know, all Americans ?   I have looked at MSNBC, CNN, ABC,NBC and various other news agencies and I haven't seen any articles depicting such...well not yet anyways..... BTW, contrary to popular belief Tik Tok/ Facebook aren't considered news agencies....
My one piece of advice is to stay armed and be cautious when out in public.
Thanks all and have a prosperous 2023.
@cdanat, so it's okay for unluckyloser to call me pickyour nose, and I can't wipe my butt okay to you? You effing hypocrite, just like your retarded rotten to the core GOP nazi party. Dumbass!
* Were you addressing that piece at me CDT? I will not go into any kind of depth on your piece, but all those so called accomplishments were not good enough for him to get a 2nd term, the question is " Why is that?" Let's not get into the " But he won" scenario cause l turn off my hearing on that. There was & is no concrete evidence that Trump won,nada- recount after recount showed he lost, so let's bury that.
* Another politician that was a " shoo-in" for re election was GH Bush. His poll numbers were in the 70's and Clinton K'Od him. No one raised an eyebrow, l wonder why that is? Biden works, Trump works alr- on his Twitter responses.
I put that statement out there in response to all. I don't address the children in the room  who use excessive vulgarity to get their point across against those offer different opinions. You are correct, they didn't get the man elected and so be it. You don't see me screaming anything on a daily/monthly basis about a rigged election. If there was fraud, he had an opportunity to bring the evidence forward from just after the election time. Just like the guys/gals claimed from HRC 's side back in 2016. AGAIN, no evidence, just verbal-masturbation..
    Noise, You are too hung up on what a few others are screaming at. I realize that the liberal left had 4 years of getting the new voters out and we only learned what they were teaching in schools to promote that agenda as a result of Covid, when parents FINALLY paid attention.
Addressing your 2nd point with 1992, Old man Bush made a stupid mistake in saying there will be no new taxes....We know he flat out lied with that GORMLESS statement. Clinton ??? well now, THERES a BASTION OF INTEGRITY THAT WE SHOULD NOT USE AS AN EXAMPLE...But he got his dues and punishment and impeachment process in the end.... And the poor fool is still married to Hillary( That is a sentence in itself)
Noise, you need to look at the weekly log of what Biden has on his work schedule... it's very sad...and many days go buy without anything going on.... We all know why, and truthfully, the man should be medically removed from office. He's mentally not fit. To sit there and say "Yes he's is" is not even a realistic "best estimate". Joe Biden is in decline from being what a President should be....Feel free to dispute anything I have put forth...If you truly think the southern border of this country is secure and we have less meth coming in and the deaths resulting from it. Show me the numbers/source to prove otherwise. I enjoy a good debate without those folks who can put forth a sound opposition. Have no worries as I will not call you a "Fukin Kunt" or a "Natzi or a "Dumbass"......But you folks on the liberal left scream "but Trump Trump Trump".  Joe is not a good President. Period.  No "working" President would ever let that border become that porous with illegals/drugs. Even the queen of word salad hasn't done crap and that was her assigned task. Joe is being propped up by his handlers. and thank good the election is in 18.5 months. Cause if you guys want that man again ??? Hang on. It's gonna get very nasty if he is re-elected(IMHO)....Truthfully, IF it gets to that point, I feel sorry for liberal side because there aren't enough safe spaces for those folks to hide. I have been wrong in the past and probably will be in the future.... but on this one ??... well, let's just call it more than 50/50.
Anyways,...... nice chatting with you... Best of luck to us all on our next Lottery purchase.
* First off, l report what l see. Trump said the " wall was completed" plus to somehow say " if not for Trump " we wouldn't have a crisis at the border. The border has been there for generations- 45 wanted something to run on & he threw this red meat out there that got natives restless. Suddenly it was " those bad guys are going to rape your daughters" BS etc.
* As for Joe not being a good President,  he seems to have done more at this point in his Presidency than Trump did, he got the infrastructure bill through that 45 would have loved to claim responsibility for. He screamed down the necks of those Repubs that sided with the bill.
* Oh, you don't know this, but l will tell you- Trump rode into the WH on a economic growth going back to 08. You can use a slide rule to see the upward growth & he claims it was " his policies." Like the tariffs he placed on China, a world of good it did us. As matter of fact- when Covid hit & our economy catered, he had no answer or plan to get us back on our feet, it took a new President to do ths. On the part of Biden, you wouldn't be having this conversation if he was 50 or 60 years old, and you know it- it's about AGE and Greene said as much about Mitch. Of course, anyone who crosses swords with 45 is a target & Mitch falls into that category. No one mentions Grassley because he says nothing negatively about 45.

* Lastly, if Trump runs and fails, who will he blame this time? If Joe rans and wins re election he cannot be termed a failure cause the voters would have made the final decision on that front. One thing is certain- they considered Trump a failure which is why they pulled the trigger on his Presidency despite what you call his achievements.
Very well said CDanaT,
   as I've said before, liberals are blind in one eye and can't see out of the other. It's great to have opinions, but when these kids are acting like spoiled children in the candy store their opinions can be tossed in the garbage!
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