Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Obama Economic Recovery Worst Since Great Depression

You listen to the President, liberal campaign team and his followers none of this is true.
Recent liberal claims;
4 million jobs created
blaming current excess spending on Boehner and the house.
This administration has kept deficit spending in control since the last 60 years.
Buisness is deliberately making Obama look bad.

Any one that is unemployed need to go to unemplyment office and sign up for work search. WINK, WINK

Get rid of welfare and you bet these people will find work, that 9 dollar an hour job at mcdickies will look real good.
i would thinl unemployment is close to 9 bucks an hour.not so good if you're paying for a house,kids,etc..
Well, if you can't afford it, you can't have it, we are supposed to support people so they can have the things they want, while we supply the things they need.
People need to live within their means, so maybe some of these people need to stop having kids they can't feed, or work 2 jobs.

I see this welfare garbage, they are garbage, liars and thieves, every last one of them, they drive caddys, get their nails and hair done, have expensive clothes, phones, jewelry, have time for casinos, bingo, racetrack, dining out, but somehow they are to poor to feed their kids.
They are garbage of the worst sort, they put themselves ahead of their kids everyday, not one of these stinking pieces of filth ask for a job application, and this must make you so proud.
These inbred buckets of maggot infested pig Sh*t have no intentions of working ever, they will steal their way through life.
Professional victims, every last one of them, want to blame evertone else for their own laziness, They don't want to work.
Spending the whole day showing someone else up, yeah, your showing us alright.

Low self esteem, thats whats brings out the arrogance in these lazy loafers.
So busy showing someone up, they forgot their showing the rest of us who they really are.

They parade around the store like Queens, stink to high heaven cause their so   fat they can't wash their a**es properly, then they want carry out, cause they so important, can't be bothered with putting their free food in the car, lazy whores, most of em don't even have a clue who the daddy be. How proud you must be.
Most of these ungratful squatters of life, will vote for your boy berry-bob, not because they have any sense of politics, or economics, or what is right, no, they will vote for the garbage them keeps them from having to live in the real world like the rest of us.
Got news for you, we are tired of supporting garbage, we are tired of people who are right this very minute ruining the lives of their kids, cause apples don't fall from the tree, more generations of welfare garbage.
The free tree is coming to a halt.
Sully Rocks!
you idiots,cannot you understand that the same thing that led us to the last great depression was the big salary gaps between poor,and wealthy.that's what obama is trying to avoid,but the repubs say no,we want it all,everyone else suffer.
obviously sully16 if a self hater as exhibited above.
She hates her life and felt the need to expose herself to others.
Once again she fails to realize that it has been Republican policies going back to Saint Ronnie of Reagan that has caused all that she despises.
People like her are the Problem,NOT the Solution.
People like her outsource or allow the outsourcing of American jobs in the millions and then moan and grown about the resulting aftermath.
People Like Her tell anyone down on their luck without a job,homeless,and/or hungry to pull themselves up by their boot straps and then People Like Her take away their boots too.
You're a moron, scorpio. This is all over your head.
You don't have the intellectual capacity to debate or even understand what's going on in the world.
It's best you sit this one out.
Or wait til there's a topic about professional wrestling or something.
Oh jeeeze, both of the sodomy twins are here.
I don't want you to feel slighted booby - you're a moron too.
rdgrnr ALWAYS,like a good NAZI,bestows on others what HE IS because it's in his Nazi playbook to do so.
i wouldn't mind getting in a pi$$ing contest with rdgrnr,he's probably impoten!
rdgrnr stands for Real Dumb Gay Reprobate Neo Republican
Troll #3and troll#4, if these lazy s***bags really want to help the welfare president, they would get off their lazy butts and get jobs, to help his employment numbers go up.
Nope the more people sign up for free hand outs, the worse it makes him look to the rest of the country, so thank the free lunch crowd for helping him look bad, he needed help anyway, his wife is doing a fine job of making him look incompetant.
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