Back to Normal
As of about 1:10 PM this afternoon, things are finally back to normal with the Lottery Post servers.
My previous Blog entry noted that a power supply on the Lottery Post Web server failed last week, causing the site (and the whole server) to bomb. With some quick thinking, I had the data center swap the drive array from the LP web server into another less important server, and that became Lottery Post's new [temporary] home.
The new power supply arrived from SuperMicro today, so we installed the new power supply and swapped the drive arrays back the way they were.
Luckily, everything worked perfectly on a reboot, and after resetting some configuration settings, we're back in business, just like before.
Glad that's over with, but now I learned to keep an extra power supply at the data center. I ordered an extra one, and it's sitting in a box in the rack case -- just in case.
I'm also glad that (reaching my hand around to my back) I had built all the servers using the same model of components, so that such a drive array swap was possible.
Good Job Todd!!! I'm sure everyone here at LP is most appreciative of your efforts. Since I found LP I can't be without it. I spend every moment I can reading all the posts and learning new techniques. If this site were down for any length of time I would be lost. Way to Go Chief.
By onenumber, at 11:39 PM
Thanks very much, I'm really glad you find the site useful. Good luck to you!
By Todd, at 2:43 AM
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