Simple function to split camelCase words
The phrase "camel case" is used to describe a common method of naming variables, properties, and methods in a programming language.
It is useful for stringing several words together, while maintaining readability. (More here)
If you ever have the need to split apart the words in a camel case word, here's just about the easiest way to do it (shown in both VB.NET and C#):
SplitCamelCase() - VB
Function SplitCamelCase(ByVal Source As String) As String()
Return Regex.Split(Source, "(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])")
End Function
SplitCamelCase() - C#
string[] SplitCamelCase(string source) {
return Regex.Split(source, @"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])");
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