Name: Pick3master3838

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

4th of July shooter was a maga and QAnon supporter

fact that he was an amateur rapper, who had a rap album named brainwashed, which has a song named I am the storm, which is a popular qanon phrase, and...... And then wore a t-shirt that had Pepe the Frog tea, which is a common symbol co-opted and used by the alt-right means nothing to you?fact that he was an amateur rapper, who had a rap album named brainwashed, which has a song named I am the storm, which is a popular qanon phrase, and...... And then wore a t-shirt that had Pepe the Frog tea, which is a common symbol co-opted and used by the alt-right means nothing to you?


sully16 said...

The only person responsible is the guy who pulled the trigger, I read the tweet from the guy who started the rumor of the I am a storm song, that is not Qanon, all of the pictures of this guy, not one pepe the frog picture, more hearsay.
He made fun of Trump supporters and was as far left as you can get.
toot toot

5:09 PM
rdgrnr said...

No, he attended a Trump function as the Where's Waldo guy (whatever that is) to mock Trump. There is a ton of evidence that he was a Leftist Democrat including wearing women's clothes all the time. And just the fact that he was a doofus-looking weirdo, that's a sign right there. All doofus-looking weirdos are Democrats, everybody knows that. Did you see his picture with the pigtails and goggles? Are you going to pretend that's a Conservative? Cut me some heavy slack, Jack. You KNOW he's one of yours.

6:19 PM
Pick3master3838 said...

If you want I can show you the picture of him wearing it. And yes it is a qanon song. Somebody lied to you.

Here's the short video of him wearing it. Plus other information proving I am correct. If you don't watch the short video, don't bother commenting because it's all there. I'm willing to bet you wont watch the video because you don't want to see the truth.

6:22 PM
rdgrnr said...

I just watched the video and it's the same video you posted yesterday by some zombie-eyed Leftist Weirdo. But that notwithstanding, it's all nonsense. He was mocking Trump in all that stuff, you must see that. And if you don't it's because you don't want to see it. The guy was a Leftist Loon just like Numbnutz or Stink47. JUST LOOK AT HIM! YOU CAN SEE IT UNLESS YOU'RE BLIND!

6:36 PM
Pick3master3838 said...

But how come you're not addressing the frog, and the song. I looked it up multiple sources yesterday and sure enough it is a Qanon song... same thing with the frog.

6:42 PM
Pick3master3838 said...

You guys can call it nonsense all day and night long, that doesn't change the facts.

6:42 PM
rdgrnr said...

He's mocking, not supporting.

6:58 PM
grwurston said...

More pics.

7:19 PM
sully16 said...

It's called the Calm before the Storm, not a song, pepe is used in many memes .
He is missing several Q follower indicators, WWG1WGA Where We go one We go all, it from the movie White Squall , about a bunch of young men who didn't get along and when the big storm came they had to put aside their differences and band together to survive. This is Q, putting aside petty things and standing as on to fight the common enemy........ People who mean to hurt us all .     
But the leftys decided WWG1WGA is racist, even though it's just inscribed on a bell.
There are other things that i would recognize , important things, and this wacky kid isn't showing true signs.
For now I'll keep those to myself since you don't know what they are.

7:24 PM
Pick3master3838 said...

Everybody here is trying to twist facts, it was called I am in the storm, which is a QAnon song.

7:51 PM
sully16 said...

That might be his song, but Q does not have a song.
Google Calm before the Storm.

8:07 PM
grwurston said...

There is no such thing as QAnon. There is Q and there is Anon. They are two separate things.
Calling it QAnon as one thing is media misinformation.

10:13 PM
noise-gate said...

* They love violence, be it storming the Capitol or arming themselves and marching down streets. Funny how you don�t get these same sort of supporters for Biden, but they were in bed with 45, cause they know he loves violence as well.

* The ex disgrace knew that his supporters had weapons on Jan 6th and wanted them to march to the Capitol, when told that they were armed & carrying, this fool said � they not out to hurt me, they here to get all Mikey.� What an embarrassment, what a selfish pri**, and to think his cult followers call that � having a backbone, a spine.� I wonder here was his spine when he slithered into the basement at the WH? Heard that he was furious on finding out that the public knew of his hunkering down beneath the tiles while the nation pushed back at his policies. They couldn�t get to him then, but found a way at the ballot box.

11:47 PM
rdgrnr said...

There goes Numbnutz changing the subject again with his "Orange Man Bad" obsession.
He must think Crimo is cute or something.

1:07 AM
noise-gate said...

* Bhagwan- why are you trolling me? l allow you to call me numb, because it doesn't bother me in the least, there are more important thing to bother one about. Anyways back to the topic. Since you brought me up in # 4- l am sticking it to you and your thinking.

* Plus you like hearing me " talk about your Messiah" so why try and hold me at bay? If what l am saying is incorrect, please correct me Bhagwan. You see, noise does not lie, you and others have yet to find me lying, thing is: l was brought up to tell the truth and only the truth.

1:28 AM
lakerben said...

Everything's the Democrats fault. Really. But the Republicans own the majority of oil company stock. The are making $$$ everyday. The Republicans back the Nra who refused to take assault weapons from the public. The same nutjobs refuse to accept the truth but blame Biden and the dems for everything. Maybe they should change the oil on their hair every 5,000 miles so they can think correctly.

1:07 PM
JeetKuneDoLotto said...

You know, he could really be a Trump supporter. I mean he is not wearing a mask.
Mostly Democrat FAUCI sycophant, NAZI, trust the science, women have penises, wannabes wear masks.

4:18 PM

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