Congratulations Arkansas 2-5-4 Thursday, April 11, 2024 (Evening Game)
Mjwin$mith’s Magic Wheel
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Bets ($) |
(6) |
(5) |
(4) |
(3) |
(2) |
(1) |
Wheel |
A-B-C |
A-C-B |
C-B-A |
C-A-B |
B-C-A |
B-A-C |
MCP3 |
542 |
524 |
245 |
254 |
425 |
452 |
To Win |
$3,000.00 |
$2,500.00 |
$2,000.00 |
$1,500.00 |
$1,000.00 |
$500.00 |
AR |
425 |
452 |
524 |
542 |
254 |
245 |
To Win |
$3,000.00 |
$2,500.00 |
$2,000.00 |
$1,500.00 |
$1,000.00 |
$500.00 |
Prediction |
State |
Winning No |
Day / Eve |
Prize Amount |
2-5-4 |
AR |
2-5-4 |
Eve |
$2,500.00 |
Arkansas |
Straight + 6-Way Box |
2-5-4 |
2-5-4 |
$290 |
Arkansas |
6-Way Box |
5-4-2 |
2-5-4 |
$40 |
Arkansas |
6-Way Box |
5-2-4 |
2-5-4 |
$40 |
Arkansas |
6-Way Box |
2-4-5 |
2-5-4 |
$40 |
Arkansas |
6-Way Box |
4-5-2 |
2-5-4 |
$40 |
Arkansas |
6-Way Box |
4-2-5 |
2-5-4 |
$40 |
Target Play Due State Auxiliary Fund Transfer (AFT)
State |
Number |
Date Won |
End Date |
Amount |
Arizona |
155 |
01/02 |
1/30 |
$53.50 |
Arizona |
626 |
1/5 |
2/2 |
$53.50 |
Arizona |
336 |
1/30 |
2/27 |
$41.75 |
Arkansas |
353 |
12/20 |
1/17 |
$53.50 |
Arkansas |
432 |
1/25 |
2/22 |
$65.50 |
California |
654 |
1/6 |
2/3 |
$36.00 |
California |
312 |
1/28 |
2/25 |
$36.00 |
California |
756 |
2/17 |
3/16 |
$65.50 |
California |
421 |
2/19 |
3/18 |
$53.50 |
Colorado |
543 |
8/28 |
9/25 |
$47.75 |
Colorado |
978 |
8/30 |
9/27 |
$41.72 |
Colorado |
263 |
12/23 |
1/21 |
$71.42 |
Colorado |
584 |
01/02 |
1/30 |
$36.00 |
Colorado |
736 |
01/04 |
2/1 |
$41.75 |
Colorado |
285 |
1/7 |
2/4 |
$29.75 |
Colorado |
470 |
2/8 |
3/7 |
$59.50 |
Connecticut |
641 |
12/25 |
1/23 |
$36.00 |
Connecticut |
121 |
1/11 |
2/8 |
$53.50 |
Connecticut |
658 |
1/18 |
2/15 |
$35.75 |
Connecticut |
959 |
1/24 |
2/21 |
$53.50 |
Connecticut |
879 |
2/2 |
3/1 |
$41.75 |
Delaware |
162 |
12/3 |
12/31 |
$59.50 |
Delaware |
085 |
2/1 |
2/29 |
$36.00 |
Florida |
654 |
1/7 |
2/4 |
$36.00 |
Florida |
654 |
1/8 |
2/5 |
$36.00 |
Florida |
136 |
1/13 |
2/10 |
$65.50 |
Florida |
576 |
1/14 |
2/11 |
$53.50 |
Florida |
658 |
1/17 |
2/14 |
$41.75 |
Florida |
935 |
1/27 |
2/24 |
$47.50 |
Florida |
295 |
2/2 |
3/1 |
$47.50 |
Florida |
962 |
2/25 |
3/24 |
$59.50 |
Florida |
357 |
2/28 |
3/27 |
$47.50 |
Florida |
682 |
3/3 |
3/31 |
$36.00 |
Georgia |
435 |
1/18 |
2/15 |
$65.50 |
Georgia |
662 |
1/22 |
2/18 |
$41.75 |
Georgia |
439 |
3/2 |
3/30 |
$53.50 |
Idaho |
938 |
1/14 |
2/11 |
$47.50 |
Idaho |
096 |
1/22 |
2/19 |
$65.50 |
Idaho |
884 |
1/24 |
2/21 |
$53.50 |
Illinois |
880 |
12/3 |
12/31 |
$53.50 |
Illinois |
210 |
12/20 |
1/17 |
$71.50 |
Illinois |
492 |
01/02 |
1/30 |
$36.00 |
Illinois |
910 |
1/24 |
2/21 |
$71.50 |
Indiana |
200 |
11/29 |
12/27 |
$53.50 |
Indiana |
570 |
12/3 |
12/31 |
$47.50 |
Indiana |
904 |
1/25 |
2/22 |
$47.50 |
Indiana |
821 |
2/9 |
3/8 |
$41.75 |
Iowa |
233 |
12/3 |
12/31 |
$29.75 |
Iowa |
886 |
1/20 |
2/17 |
$41.75 |
Iowa |
195 |
1/23 |
2/20 |
$53.50 |
Iowa |
957 |
1/24 |
2/21 |
$12.00 |
Kansas |
984 |
12/2 |
12/30 |
$71.50 |
Kansas |
809 |
1/6 |
2/3 |
$36.00 |
Kansas |
432 |
1/25 |
2/22 |
$53.50 |
Kansas |
910 |
1/26 |
2/23 |
$65.50 |
Kansas |
587 |
2/2 |
3/1 |
$36.00 |
Kansas |
542 |
2/10 |
3/9 |
$71.50 |
Kentucky |
719 |
11/13 |
12/11 |
$41.75 |
Kentucky |
879 |
11/21 |
12/19 |
$71.50 |
Kentucky |
541 |
2/7 |
3/6 |
$53.50 |
Louisiana |
352 |
1/22 |
2/18 |
$47.50 |
Louisiana |
330 |
1/31 |
2/28 |
$41.75 |
Louisianna |
009 |
1/20 |
2/17 |
$29.75 |
Maryland |
070 |
1/16 |
2/13 |
$53.50 |
Maryland |
796 |
3/6 |
4/3 |
$59.50 |
Michigan |
151 |
12/2 |
12/30 |
$53.50 |
Michigan |
808 |
12/9 |
1/6 |
$41.50 |
Michigan |
580 |
12/18 |
1/15 |
$36.00 |
Michigan |
280 |
12/20 |
1/17 |
$71.50 |
Michigan |
173 |
1/5 |
2/2 |
$65.50 |
Michigan |
700 |
1/22 |
2/19 |
$53.50 |
Minnesota |
120 |
1/1 |
1/29 |
$36.00 |
Minnesota |
503 |
1/8 |
2/5 |
$36.00 |
Mississippi |
626 |
1/9 |
2/6 |
$53.50 |
Missouri |
156 |
11/23 |
12/21 |
$41.75 |
Missouri |
131 |
12/2 |
12/30 |
$53.50 |
Missouri |
965 |
1/25 |
2/22 |
$47.50 |
Nebraska |
865 |
12/2 |
12/30 |
$65.50 |
New Jersey |
315 |
12/27 |
1/25 |
$53.50 |
New Jersey |
586 |
1/17 |
2/14 |
$18.00 |
New Jersey |
959 |
1/24 |
2/21 |
$53.50 |
New Jersey |
184 |
2/2 |
3/1 |
$59.50 |
New Jersey |
434 |
2/25 |
3/24 |
$53.50 |
New Mexico |
551 |
1/26 |
2/23 |
$41.75 |
New Mexico |
563 |
2/25 |
3/24 |
$41.75 |
New York |
701 |
1/28 |
2/25 |
$36.00 |
North Carolina |
190 |
1/5 |
2/2 |
$71.50 |
North Carolina |
978 |
1/6 |
2/3 |
$36.00 |
North Carolina |
601 |
1/25 |
2/22 |
$71.50 |
North Carolina |
097 |
1/28 |
2/25 |
$36.00 |
Ohio |
867 |
1/9 |
2/6 |
$36.00 |
Ohio |
856 |
1/18 |
2/15 |
$47.50 |
Ohio |
567 |
1/20 |
2/17 |
$36.00 |
Ohio |
563 |
1/26 |
2/23 |
$71.50 |
Ohio |
935 |
2/6 |
3/5 |
$59.50 |
Oklahoma |
828 |
12/2 |
12/30 |
$53.50 |
Ontario |
716 |
1/7 |
2/4 |
$59.50 |
Ontario |
546 |
2/2 |
3/1 |
$53.50 |
Pennsylvania |
557 |
12/3 |
12/31 |
$41.75 |
Pennsylvania |
736 |
01/04 |
2/1 |
$47.50 |
Pennsylvania |
539 |
1/22 |
2/19 |
$59.50 |
Pennsylvania |
848 |
1/24 |
2/21 |
$41.75 |
Pennsylvania |
395 |
2/6 |
3/5 |
$47.50 |
Pennsylvania |
513 |
2/8 |
3/7 |
$47.50 |
Puerto Rico |
978 |
1/20 |
2/17 |
$36.00 |
Puerto Rico |
005 |
2/1 |
2/29 |
$41.75 |
Puerto Rico |
139 |
2/2 |
3/1 |
$36.00 |
Puerto Rico |
736 |
2/26 |
3/25 |
$36.00 |
Quebec |
864 |
1/6 |
2/3 |
$36.00 |
Quebec |
431 |
1/22 |
2/18 |
$41.75 |
Quebec |
995 |
1/24 |
2/21 |
$41.75 |
Quebec |
139 |
1/30 |
2/27 |
$53.50 |
Quebec |
312 |
1/31 |
2/28 |
$36.00 |
Quebec |
165 |
3/7 |
4/4 |
$53.50 |
Tennessee |
456 |
1/5 |
2/2 |
$47.50 |
Tennessee |
385 |
1/9 |
2/6 |
$36.00 |
Tennessee |
791 |
1/12 |
2/9 |
$59.50 |
Tennessee |
003 |
1/25 |
2/22 |
$29.75 |
Tennessee |
070 |
1/29 |
2/26 |
$53.50 |
Tennessee |
724 |
1/31 |
2/28 |
$36.00 |
Texas |
969 |
12/20 |
1/17 |
$53.50 |
Texas |
350 |
12/26 |
1/24 |
$29.75 |
Texas |
005 |
2/1 |
2/29 |
$41.75 |
Texas |
352 |
2/5 |
3-4 |
$29.75 |
Texas |
153 |
2/8 |
3/7 |
$41.75 |
Texas |
752 |
3/2 |
3/30 |
$53.50 |
Texas |
339 |
3/6 |
4/3 |
$53.50 |
Tri-States |
485 |
1/6 |
2/3 |
$36.00 |
Tri-States |
768 |
1/29 |
2/26 |
$59.50 |
Tri-States |
423 |
1/30 |
2/27 |
$36.00 |
Tri-States |
758 |
1/31 |
2/28 |
$36.00 |
Tri-States |
931 |
3/3 |
3/31 |
$36.00 |
Virginia |
626 |
1/5 |
2/2 |
$53.50 |
Virginia |
808 |
1/6 |
2/3 |
$53.50 |
Virginia |
253 |
2/5 |
3-4 |
$53.50 |
Virginia |
584 |
2/27 |
3/26 |
$53.50 |
Washington |
908 |
12/3 |
12/31 |
$47.50 |
Washington |
523 |
1/31 |
2/28 |
$36.00 |
Washington |
021 |
3/2 |
3/30 |
$47.50 |
Washington, D. C. |
004 |
2/1 |
2/29 |
$41.75 |
Washington, D.C. |
749 |
1/7 |
2/4 |
$47.50 |
Washington, D.C. |
417 |
1/8 |
2/5 |
$36.00 |
Washington, D.C. |
528 |
1/8 |
2/5 |
$36.00 |
Washington, D.C. |
752 |
1/25 |
2/22 |
$36.00 |
Washington, D.C. |
020 |
2/2 |
3/1 |
$41.75 |
West Virginia |
651 |
1/19 |
2/16 |
$47.50 |
Wisconsin |
148 |
12/26 |
1/24 |
$59.50 |
Wisconsin |
847 |
1/25 |
2/22 |
$41.75 |
Wisconsin |
158 |
1/27 |
2/24 |
$36.00 |
Wisconsin |
578 |
1/31 |
2/28 |
$36.00 |
Wisconsin |
549 |
2/10 |
3/9 |
$41.75 |
Washington, D.C. |
222 |
3/9 |
4/6 |
$71.50 |
Arizona |
181 |
3/10 |
4/8 |
$53.50 |
Iowa |
220 |
3/10 |
4/8 |
$41.75 |
Florida |
722 |
3/10 |
4/8 |
$53.50 |
Mississippi |
722 |
3/10 |
4/8 |
$53.50 |
South Carolina |
437 |
3/10 |
4/8 |
$59.50 |
Auxiliary Fund is an amount that we set up from Straight hits using my Magic Wheels.
What we like to do is take One third of the winnings and play additional amounts going forward over the next 28 days. Let us take an example of say hitting a number straight using my Magic Wheel in each state for the Pick-3 draw. The amount won would be $3,000.00, taking One third of that amount would come to One Thousand dollars ($1,000.00). So, you have $1,000.00 of “House” money to play over the next 28 days to get an even greater hit using my Magic Wheels, $1,000.00 divided by 28 = ($35.714) we round up to $36.00 which is a fund we have so that if we like another number, we can place up to $36.00 on that number to get a good hit. So, say if Luck smiled on you and you placed a bet of $36.00 on a Pick-3 number and it fell straight, you could possibly win Eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000.00), $36.00 x $500.00 = $18,000.00.
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