Pick-3 for Dummies / Quick Nickels - Sunday 06/19/2022
Table 3
Sunday, June 19, 2022
A |
B |
C |
D |
1 |
071-8 |
076-4 |
016-7 |
716-5 |
2 |
420-6 |
427-4 |
407-2 |
207-9 |
3 |
636-6 |
633-3 |
663-6 |
363-3 |
4 |
790-7 |
794-2 |
704-2 |
904-4 |
5 |
821-2 |
826-7 |
816-6 |
216-9 |
6 |
195-6 |
190-1 |
150-6 |
950-5 |
7 |
723-3 |
724-4 |
734-5 |
234-9 |
8 |
581-5 |
582-6 |
512-8 |
812-2 |
9 |
993-3 |
995-5 |
935-8 |
935-8 |
0 |
848-2 |
845-8 |
885-3 |
485-8 |
The number to the right of the Pick-3 number is the “Power Number” or Root Sum number. Use the Power or Root sum number to match up with your astrological birth sign number.
Capricorn-1 |
Aquarius-2 |
Pisces-3 |
Aries-1 |
Taurus-2 |
Gemini-3 |
Cancer-4 |
Leo-5 |
Virgo-6 |
Libra-7 |
Scorpio-8 |
Sagittarius-9 |
Quick Nickels Pick-3
Week of
Saturday, June 11, 2022
312-6 |
564-6 |
897-6 |
102-3 |
354-3 |
687-3 |
109-1 |
432-9 |
576-9 |
098-8 |
These are the “Default” draw order sequence the Pick-3 numbers are expected to fall in this week games.
Bets ($) |
(6x) |
(5x) |
(4x) |
(3x) |
(2x) |
(1x) |
312-6 |
312 |
321 |
213 |
231 |
123 |
132 |
564-6 |
564 |
546 |
465 |
456 |
645 |
654 |
897-6 |
897 |
879 |
798 |
789 |
978 |
987 |
102-3 |
102 |
120 |
201 |
210 |
021 |
012 |
354-3 |
354 |
345 |
453 |
435 |
543 |
534 |
687-3 |
687 |
678 |
786 |
768 |
876 |
867 |
109-1 |
109 |
190 |
901 |
910 |
091 |
019 |
432-9 |
432 |
423 |
234 |
243 |
324 |
342 |
576-9 |
576 |
567 |
675 |
657 |
765 |
756 |
098-8 |
098 |
089 |
890 |
809 |
980 |
908 |
Note, the Pick-3 numbers can fall out of sequence, therefore I suggest that you run your own work outs each day to determine the best draw order sequence to play for YOUR state game.
You can also check out my Pick-3 for Dummies chart daily to match if and how my computers pick for the number to fall for that day. I can also run state specific draw order sequence numbers for YOUR state game, please contact me by {PM} Private message for more details.
The number to the right of the Pick-3 number is the “Power Number” or Root Sum number. Use the Power or Root sum number to match up with your astrological birth sign number.
Capricorn-1 |
Aquarius-2 |
Pisces-3 |
Aries-1 |
Taurus-2 |
Gemini-3 |
Cancer-4 |
Leo-5 |
Virgo-6 |
Libra-7 |
Scorpio-8 |
Sagittarius-9 |
Here are the latest match draw order sequence Pick-3 numbers to fall straight, and how much a Player could have won using my ‘Magic Wheel’.
Mjwin$mith’s Magic Wheel
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Bets ($) |
(6x) |
(5x) |
(4x) |
(3x) |
(2x) |
(1x) |
Wheel |
A-B-C |
A-C-B |
C-B-A |
C-A-B |
B-C-A |
B-A-C |
To Win |
$3,000.00 |
$2,500.00 |
$2,000.00 |
$1,500.00 |
$1,000.00 |
$500.00 |
OH |
102 |
120 |
201 |
210 |
021 |
012 |
To Win |
$3,000.00 |
$2,500.00 |
$2,000.00 |
$1,500.00 |
$1,000.00 |
$500.00 |
Prediction |
State |
Winning No |
Day / Eve |
Prize Amount* |
1-0-2 |
OH |
1-0-2 |
Day |
$3,000.00 |
*Winnings based on Playing using MjWIN$mith’s Pick-3 system and Magic Wheels.
Ohio |
Pick 3 Midday |
Straight + 6-Way Box |
1-0-2 |
1-0-2 |
$290 |
Pick-3 for Dummies Results - Sunday 06/19/2022
Pick-3 Sunday, June 19, 2022
MjWin$mith�s Best 10 of 40 � Table 3
076 407 636 790 826 190 734 512 935 845
(Best 5 of 10)
407 790 190 935 84
(Best 3 of 5)
407 190 845
(Best Pick-3)
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Indiana Daily 3 Evening 0-9-1, Superball: 8
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Iowa Pick 3 Evening 0-9-1
mjwinsmith Indiana Daily 3 Evening Straight + 6-Way Box 0-9-1 0-9-1 $290
mjwinsmith Indiana Daily 3 Evening 6-Way Box 1-9-0 0-9-1 $40
mjwinsmith Iowa Pick 3 Evening 6-Way Box 1-9-0 0-9-1 $40
mjwinsmith Iowa Pick 3 Evening Straight + 6-Way Box 0-9-1 0-9-1 $290
Column (A)
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Maryland Pick 3 Evening 8-1-2
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Pennsylvania Pick 3 Evening 0-2-4, Wild Ball: 3
Column (B)
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Georgia Cash 3 Night 9-7-4
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Indiana Daily 3 Evening 0-9-1, Superball: 8
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Iowa Pick 3 Evening 0-9-1
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Kentucky Pick 3 Evening 2-5-8
Column (C)
No Winners
Column (D)
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Colorado Pick 3 Midday 0-2-7
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Maryland Pick 3 Evening 8-1-2
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Michigan Daily 3 Evening 9-0-4
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Wisconsin Pick 3 Midday 3-2-4
By mjwinsmith, at 9:00 PM
Quick Nickels Pick-3 Results - Sunday 06/19/2022
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Delaware Play 3 Night 2-1-0
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Indiana Daily 3 Evening 0-9-1, Superball: 8
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Iowa Pick 3 Evening 0-9-1
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Multi-State Tri-State Pick 3 Evening 4-3-5
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Nebraska Pick 3 5-3-4
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Wisconsin Pick 3 Evening 0-1-2
Sun, Jun 19, 2022 Wisconsin Pick 3 Midday 3-2-4
Quick Nickels Pick-3
Week of
Saturday, June 18, 2022
231-6 654-6 879-6 120-3 354-3 867-3 091-1 234-9 657-9 890-8
These are the �Default� draw order sequence the Pick-3 numbers are expected to fall in this week games.
Bets ($) (6x) (5x) (4x) (3x) (2x) (1x)
231-6 231 213 132 123 312 321
654-6 654 645 456 465 546 564
879-6 879 897 978 987 798 789
120-3 120 102 021 012 201 210
354-3 354 345 453 435 543 534
867-3 867 876 768 786 678 687
091-1 091 019 190 109 910 901
234-9 234 243 432 423 342 324
657-9 657 675 756 765 576 567
890-8 890 809 098 089 908 980
Note, the Pick-3 numbers can fall out of sequence, therefore I suggest that you run your own work outs each day to determine the best draw order sequence to play for YOUR state game.
You can also check out my Pick-3 for Dummies chart daily to match if and how my computers pick for the number to fall for that day. I can also run state specific draw order sequence numbers for YOUR state game, please contact me by {PM} Private message for more details.
The number to the right of the Pick-3 number is the �Power Number� or Root Sum number. Use the Power or Root sum number to match up with your astrological birth sign number.
Capricorn-1 Aquarius-2 Pisces-3 Aries-1 Taurus-2 Gemini-3
Cancer-4 Leo-5 Virgo-6 Libra-7 Scorpio-8 Sagittarius-9
Here are the latest match draw order sequence Pick-3 numbers to fall straight, and how much a Player could have won using my �Magic Wheel�.
Mjwin$mith�s Magic Wheel
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Bets ($) (6x) (5x) (4x) (3x) (2x) (1x)
Wheel A-B-C A-C-B C-B-A C-A-B B-C-A B-A-C
To Win $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00
IN 091 019 190 109 910 901
IA 091 019 190 109 910 901
To Win $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00
Prediction State Winning No Day / Eve Prize Amount*
0-9-1 IN 0-9-1 Eve $3,000.00
0-9-1 IA 0-9-1 Eve $3,000.00
*Winnings based on Playing using MjWIN$mith�s Pick-3 system and Magic Wheels.
Indiana Daily 3 Evening Straight + 6-Way Box 0-9-1 0-9-1 $290
Indiana Daily 3 Evening 6-Way Box 1-9-0 0-9-1 $40
Iowa Pick 3 Evening 6-Way Box 1-9-0 0-9-1 $40
Iowa Pick 3 Evening Straight + 6-Way Box 0-9-1 0-9-1 $290
By mjwinsmith, at 9:13 PM
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