Mike's Computer Picks / Quick Nickels

Pick-4 Lottery Pool

Lottery Pools, a way to join with other members to play the daily numbers game to win hundred and even thousands of dollars. Yes, it is possible to win thousands of dollars in the daily numbers Pick-3 and Pick-4 games. It is also possible to win as a group a million dollars or more in the daily Pick-4 game, more on that later.


I can show you how to win thousands of dollars, and maybe even a million dollars in a pool with other members in your state. I’ve put the daily numbers simulated pick-4 game on-line here at the Lottery Post, but for a limited time only. I hope to help you win in the daily numbers Pick-3 and Pick-4 games, and in turn for you to take out a Gold or Platinum membership in support of this site.


The latest win in our Simulated Lottery Pick-4 Pool was on Sunday, May 2 in the state of Delaware: 9-5-8-7 (Eve) winning $15,600.00. There are 100 members/shares in the pool so each share is worth 1/100 of the winnings, $156.00. We also had a good win on Saturday, May 1, in the state of Florida: 5-1-1-4 (Day) winning a total of $46,200.00 each member share of $462.00 before taxes.


Just to illustrate how to win the million dollars in the Pick-4 game I was telling you about. In the daily Pick-4 game you can win up to $5000.00 on a $1.00 bet. If you had a good number to play and wanted to win $1,000,000.00 you would need to bet $200.00 on that number. Now I know that many of you do not have the $200.00 to bet nor would many of you risk that kind of money. Would you be willing to risk say $2.00 for a share of that Million Dollars, yes I said $2.00, a pool with 100 members kicking in two bucks     a piece would have the $200.00 to wager on a pick-4 number to win a million dollars, $200 x $5000 = $1,000,000.00. After taxes you would end up with about $623,820.00 with each member getting about $6,238.20, not bad for a $2.00 investment and a correct Pick-4 straight hit. Note, we also like to place a side bet on a pick-4 number BOXED in the event our straight pick selection does not fall, that way we still have money to continue to play the straight bet for a couple of days at no additional cost to the members of the pool.


Check out my daily Pick-4 Simulated Lottery Pool here at the Lottery Post, see how you do at picking the winning numbers and get a feel for the system before you join an actual pool to play. Note you have to be a member of my Players Club to play in any of the actual daily lottery pools.


  • how do you join and what about out of country members?

    By deadray, at 6:08 AM

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