maddogs hideaway

Welcome to Maddogs hideaway, The poormans predictor. Somedays I just feel like ridin...!

Name: MADDOG10
Location: Beautiful Florida
Country: United States
Interests: restoring old cars, winning the lottery, avid football fan, and riding my motorcycles... Both (Harleys)...!!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Nothing but the TRUTH!

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Catturd @catturd2 At this point, If you're not vigorously fighting for Trump and loudly endorsing him you're too dumb to understand what's at stake or you just don't care. 50 If Commie Kamala gets in, she'll let another million illegals in over the next 4 years, shut down our own energy resources, and destroy our country from within. There's no more time for for squishy fence riders, flip floppers, or 3rd party clowns. It's Trump or the country is toast.'


MADDOG10 said...

The brightest Democrat minds came together to help Kamala Harris craft her economic plan, and what did they propose? Communism. Kamala�s price fixing and cash giveaways aren�t just an indictment of her, they�re an indictment of the entire brain trust of the left. They are lost!!

8:57 PM
grwurston said...

The brightest democrat minds.

9:15 PM
sully16 said...


9:22 PM
lakerben said...

Catturd!!!!  Are you kidding!!

Donald called the Korean a little fat turd.  Birds of a feather. This made my day! Catturd!!!!?

9:53 PM
jarasan said...

Here you go lakerdummy you go to Chicago and get your free abortion and vasectomy all at once thanks to the demonCRATS.

10:44 AM
jarasan said...

catturd has near 100 million followers on X, lakerdummy you have zero anything you are the literal cat turd in the kitty litter box. Touche'.

1:25 PM
jarasan said...

Sorry, I meant douche'.

1:26 PM

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