Obama's Son Looks Like Ferguson
Obama’s Son Looks Like Ferguson
John Ransom | Aug 15, 2014
Well Obama’s had a son after all.
It’s a strapping, weighty and very unhealthy mixture of the pent up discontent that is Obama’s America.
Yes, the man who once race-baited by pretending that Trayvon Martin was his own son, now dead and gone, is definitely the father of this version of our country. The likeness and resemblance is too striking for him not to be.
Congratulations Daddy!
“On Wednesday night,” reports the New York Times, “scores of police officers in riot gear and in armored trucks showed up to disperse protesters [in Ferguson] who had gathered on the streets near the scene of the shooting [of Michael Brown, 18]. Some officers perched atop the vehicles with their guns trained on the crowds while protesters chanted, ‘Hands up, don’t shoot.’”
Hands up, don’t shoot is good advice. Even for a big mouth president.
Because in my lifetime I’ve never seen a president shoot off his mouth so recklessly than Obama has…except of course in times when he all he does is shoot himself in the foot.
When he’s too busy for example dancing, vacationing, campaigning, or raising money—which, not coincidentally, are all activities that look alike to Obama—then the man whose mouth operates like Joe Biden’s shotgun, isn’t necessarily saying anything reckless, but rather doing reckless things instead.
“President Obama must really be teed off,” writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post, “Hillary Rodham Clinton, his once-loyal secretary of state and his likeliest successor, has gone rogue, criticizing his foreign policy as too timid.”
So Obama got mad and went to play golf. Twice.
That’s because Obama’s on a vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, “a decision that, if not in the category of stupid stuff,” concludes Milbank, “could fit under the heading of ‘tone deafness.’”
I’m trying to decide which is worse for the country: Obama saying reckless things or doing reckless things?
Because as stupid and harmful as his inane chatter is to the country, the president has difficulty accomplishing even the tasks he presumably cares about, like a foreign policy that works. So “doing reckless things” has not always been very effective for Obama.
But, I gotta go with the “doing reckless things” option as the worse of the two right now.
I think that going on vacation is the best thing that Obama can do today. Because this child that is the Ferguson riots was not born of talk, but in the hosing of America by Obama and the rest of his firemen. The riots are the violent fruits of the womb that are born when a country gets screwed—hard.
And guess what? It only takes one time for the country to get a little bit pregnant. What’s being born of our times ultimately, however, no one can really tell as of yet.
Yet this much is true though: Angry children tend to give birth to angry children, and the sins of the fathers are visited on the latest generation.
“A nation like a woman is not forgiven the unguarded hour,” wrote Karl Marx, in one of the few true statements Marx got right, “in which the first rake that tries can take her by force.”
Obama hasn’t gotten what he wanted by talking. He hasn’t gotten what he wanted by actions either, reckless or otherwise because he's too lazy.
There always remains force however as an option of any government in crisis, especially a government too lazy to be legitimate.
And make no mistake: This is a government deep in crisis and too lazy to be legitimate.
So guard the hour my friends.
And keep Obama on vacation. Let him screw his handicap and not the country.
If you think about it, it's very sad that this is the leadership or" lack of" I should say.
Everyday is a new adventure in Government incompetence, starting with the King of Crap.
He's shown us everyday that he is just that....
sully - King of Crap - perfect.
And master of NONE.
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