you're being used Mrs. Sheehan
I've followed the media coverage of Mrs. Sheehan for the past month or so, and I keep asking myself , is this a mother whom is grieving, or has she gotten caught up in all the glamour and glitz from the crazies of the liberal fractions?
I for one can feel your pain and anguish over the loss of your son. You should be proud of what your son was trying to do. Don't tarnish his effort by being "used", by such idiotic liberals such as Micheal moore and his followers, who wait in the wings like a flock of vultures just waiting to pounce on their next so-called grieving mother. After that all you'll be just dust in the wind to them, no more.
I served in Viet Nam, and lost three of my best friends to a conflict that a lot of people didn't believe in either. But i wouldn't tarnish their memories, or any of the memories of the men and women who have fought and died serving their country, by following the crazed liberals whom are just "using" you for their profit..I too, could have gotten caught up with the "radicals" and their idiotic ways when i returned home from Viet Nam, afetr being branded as "baby killer", and a "war monger", but i didn't cave in as you have.
Wake up and smell the coffee lady, this country was attacked not vice versa. What were your thoughts when they attacked? Yes, just as i thought. Your actions are speaking louder than words. You've taken the memory of your son and turned it into a circus of fools.
What makes you any different than any one else? to say "you're" not going to pay taxes. when your son is returned to you, you'll pay taxes? Have you looked at your self in the mirror lately to see what they've turned you into to? I don't think so, because my opinion is that you don't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up by yourself without being led to your demise by these profitering idiots.
Am i bitter? NO, but i would like to smash everyone of these so-called liberals faces into the "Wall" in Washington D.C. , if for nothing else "sheer disrespect". I pray someone or something will open your eye's before it's too late......!
I smell a book deal!!
I guess her husband sees things as you do (in addition to the rest of her family), as he's filed for divorce. Smart man.
Poppycock! Ms. Sheehan saw the light, and I admire her tremendously. Whether one is a right wing nut or a leftist liberal has nothing to do with her reason for protesting.
Ms Dakota
While i fully support our troops,i don't support are policy makers..she is a totl wackjob who craves her 15 mins.of make very good points maddog..
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