"poor mans predictions"
I received an e-mail the other day, thanking me for predicting with a small amount of numbers and yet still having a 50/50 hit ratio. they noticed a lot of my predictions come in reverse order some of the time, while dubbing me the "poor mans predictor", because of the amount of picks i post, which is usually 8-10 picks, compared to others who list more.
I replied saying it was just my style. I could post 25-50 picks a day and probably have a lot more wins so to speak, but i'm just happy to try and help someone win as often as i can and yet do it on a moderate budget. I told this person, that there are a lot of good predictors on the Post and that i was just a small intricate piece of the pie, and thanked them for dubbing the "poor mans Predictor".
It was good feeling receiving an e-mail such as that, and i thought i'd pass it on. ialso might start posting my picks in reverse along with my original post
Maddog 10, the "poor mans predictor", i kind of like that...!
i thank you for your nos i won with one of them i dont win very often
so please keep posting thanks.
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