This and That

Whatever this and that is for the day

Saturday, September 14, 2024


Kamala Harris Steals Credit for Trump Executive Order Eliminating College Degree Requirements for Fe

I just found this out

Vote for the originator of the plan.

She is riding Trumps shirt tails.


Originality is not one of their strong suits. I say 'their' because Kackles isn't the one coming up with this stuff. Apparently they are in panic mode in their campaign because they can't get away with the BS anymore and polls are a disaster for them. The gaslighting media is not nearly as effective as it used to be....thank God.
I'm buying more dog insurance!!!
* Coming from the guy that said he invented the term " caravan" for migrants heading North. Next we going to read that he discovered water. He already claims his a greater President than Lincoln. The dangerous thing is his supporters believe anything he says. If he told them to eat pets, they would, after all many of his followers did inject disinfectant into their bodies at his advice to battle Covid.
* The Dems spoke to Joe on giving up the Presidency for someone younger & he listened, that advice will not fly with the 78 year old cause he thinks he is viewed as a 50 something. Its not even a topic of conversation and secretly, l think many Republicans want him to lose so that they can rebuild the party with a new face as their standard bearer. No party has a 78 year old in charge, perhaps during the 60-70's in China, but America? Please.
lakerdummy I know dogs don't like you.
* Let's hope the results of the upcoming Presidential election will go the way the majority of Americans hope it will.Then we can turn the page of silliness & an end to hearing crap like : people eating pets, Hannibal ' sharks & shxt. Then the entire Maga movement can circle the drain for good.
* No party has a 78 year old in charge, perhaps during the 60-70's in China, but America? Please.

Biden's 81.
Who let the dogs out!!!
* Yes Biden is 81, but guess what- he is not running for President. There is only one Old Man in this race, and you know it.
*If one or a few Republicans grew a spine & told Trump to step aside for the sake of the party- what do you think would happen? Would 45 listen? Give us your thoughts?
Did anyone vote for Kackles?
I will and millions of other people.
* You missing the point, so pay attention. its not about voting for Harris, but NOT voting for 45. These Republicans who are turned off by 45, just don't want him in charge of anything, they may not agree with Harris, but they rather live for law and order than unrest and chaos.
Then you and millions of other people are idiots.
* An idiot is a person who's divorced from reality.  So let's explore shall we? A loser refuses to accept the will of the voters & decides a coup would serve his purpose
He gets impeached, his idiot supporters break into the Capitol & many end up serving time behind bars. An idiot leaves a paper trail of paying off an adult star.
*An idiot convinces other idiots to believe he won & those idiots still believe it 4 years later. An idiot is always gullible- that means you. Your idiot leader said that he was spared to led America back to greatness, yet an adult died that day, but according to you idiots, it was God's will. Okay.
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